【77】Breaking News

Start from the beginning

But on Monday, something finally happened. I was sitting on a barstool alone, mindlessly eating a bowl of Greek yogurt with granola, when my phone buzzed next to me. The number was unknown, but I picked up regardless, knowing it might be important.


"Andrea? This is Special Agent Lewis. I have some news."

"Oh! Hold on, wait! I need to get Lex."

Dropping my spoon in my breakfast, I jumped down from my seat and sprinted my way to the home gym. "Almost there," I quickly said into the phone. I entered the room, and instantly spotted Lex, bench pressing what must have been much more than my weight, given the size of the plates. "Lex, this is Agent Lewis," I told him when he looked my way, shaking my phone for him to see.

He lifted the bar once more, locked it in its secure position, and sat up on the bench as I joined him there, taking the spot between his parted legs. The skin that his loose tank top didn't cover was glistening with perspiration, and the collar of his top was wet, like under his arms. His face was pink from the effort, which was exactly what he looked like when he fucked me hard, and the sight caused a small flame of arousal to course through me.

Ignoring it, I turned the speakers on and spoke into the phone again. "Okay, I'm with Lex and you're on speakers. Go ahead."

"We're doing it today," she gravely announced. "My partner and I are landing in New York in about forty-five minutes. This afternoon, at around 3 PM EST, we're proceeding to everyone's arrests."

An intense shiver ran all over my skin, triggered by how amazing her words felt. All those twisted fucks were getting arrested. They'd spend the rest of their lives in prison. And it was all thanks to us. I sent Lex a glance full of sparkling intensity, and his eyes were just as affected as mine. His hand flew to my thigh, right under the hem of my shorts, and we focused back on the phone call.

"I've been working tirelessly since we met in your suite," she disclosed. "Four of the members were abroad, one of them in the United Arab Emirates, which meant we couldn't get him extradited to the US. But we've been working with Interpol and local authorities in France, India, and Argentina to coordinate the other arrests. Yesterday, we heard Alhazmi boarded his jet in Dubai to fly back to New York. So I have a team ready to arrest him as soon as he sets foot on American soil."

"That's... amazing," I said, truly stunned. "I hadn't realized some would be away. It's great you managed to secure them all."

"Well... I went through some of the videos you've sent. I couldn't do them all, it was too much. But let's just say it spurred my motivation to get every last one of them."

"Yeah, it was the same for us."

"Anyway, I wanted to thank you two for trusting me. We'd had our disagreements in the past, but I'm glad you could see beyond that and reach out to me."

"You were only doing your job," I said with a shrug. "We wouldn't hold a grudge over that. Thank you for hearing us out, regardless of your suspicions."

We didn't hold her longer, and after wishing her good luck and a successful mission, we hung up. The first thing I did was wrap my arms around Lex's sweaty frame, hoping his strong ones would contain my excitement. He held me there, in the warmth of him, and I basked in his familiar scent. We'd never been this fucking close before. What we'd done, what we'd accomplished, would bring justice to nearly a hundred brutally murdered women.

"When's 3 PM EST?" I asked, still holding him tightly.

"What time is it here?" Over his shoulder, I checked the phone I was still holding and told him. "Then it's in two hours and thirteen minutes."

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