【64】Catasticta Lycurgus

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A week later, I was forced to admit that finding the laptop was harder than I'd thought

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A week later, I was forced to admit that finding the laptop was harder than I'd thought. Given the nature of its content, Becker kept it somewhere very secure and very private. I'd looked at all the obvious hiding spots, and even some less obvious ones. But nothing had come up yet.

I'd found his collection of flogs, whips, and paddles, which were so well-hidden, I wasn't even sure Mrs. Becker was aware of their existence. I'd also found their seventeen-year-old daughter's secret drug stash, with Molly, coke, weed, and a few other substances I hadn't been able to identify.

But that damned laptop was remaining hidden.

Today, I was working in Becker's home office again, and I'd look harder than I had before. Part of me was convinced it was in there, even though I hadn't found anything on the first try.

I wasn't paired with Ana anymore, but with Lupita, who was a few years younger than me. She was sweet but shy, which made the days much more dull than they'd been with Ana. That also made my secret mission more complicated, but I still managed. I'd gotten used to being sneaky, since I'd had to pretend for the rooms that had security cameras in them.

At least I'd been right, and not a single time during my week there had I met Truman Becker in person. I'd barely glimpsed at him from afar once, and had come across his wife on another occasion. She was just back from her Hawaiian retreat, but it seemed the weight of her hard life was already crushing her. Although, it was my understanding that her only responsibility was to look pretty and spend her husband's money. Caroline Becker had been a Miss USA, a failed actress, and was now a trophy wife. I'd say she'd hit the jackpot, but I knew how twisted her husband was.

The fact that I hadn't encountered Becker so far helped soothe Lex's nerves a lot. He still wasn't comfortable with me leaving every morning, but at least he allowed me to go. Like the control freak he was, he'd set up an entire protocol to ensure maximum security for me. In the morning, he accompanied me to work with two men driving us there. They usually left me a block or so away, where one of the guys came out of the car and walked by my side all the way to the service entrance, acting like we weren't together.

When I came out in the afternoon, another man was usually waiting nearby, ready to escort me again. When I wasn't with a colleague, he'd take me to the SUV and drive me home with his partner. If I was out with someone I couldn't shake, for fear of blowing my cover, the bodyguard would take the bus with us. He'd ride along with me, and by the time we got out at the stop the team had strategically chosen, the SUV had caught up with us and was waiting a few streets away.

That didn't protect me from anything that might happen inside the penthouse, but if Becker decided to take care of me outside to avoid any suspicion, then I'd be safe.

While Lupita and I made our way to Becker's office, I reminded myself that all I had to do to make it all stop was find the laptop. Once I had, Lex and I would work on taking down Becker with its content, and I'd be officially safe.

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