【15】The Fae

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By the time the next weekend came, I had learned enough to know what would be my limitations

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By the time the next weekend came, I had learned enough to know what would be my limitations. After analyzing Nammota's style, the scripts, the overall spirit of his heists, I could finally come up with a plan of my own. One that would look entirely like something Nammota would do, while also surpassing his abilities. No one would doubt that the modern-day Robin Hood would be the one behind this, because only a small handful of people could come up with something so grand and daring.

My guilt toward abandoning Lex had lessened, since he now knew I wasn't giving up on him, but that I was as devoted to helping him as ever. Although he knew nothing about my plans, he clearly wasn't liking the idea one bit. But since we were recorded during our phone calls, he couldn't mention it, which prevented us from arguing about it.

Oli came on Saturday morning, and I laid out my plan to him, explaining all the details I'd come up with, as well as the schedule I hoped we could work with. I told him how I intended to pull it off, basing my assessment on what Lex had done in the past. Oli listened for the most part, only interrupting when he needed some clarification over something.

Once I was done with everything, I anxiously waited for his take on it, hoping he'd agree with my insane plan. It was big – huge even – but it was exactly what we needed. Something only Nammota could pull off, something that would divert the focus from Lex, and trick the entire world into thinking the legendary hacker was still out there, free and kicking.

Still processing my words, Oli remained silent for about a minute. His eyebrows were frowned, slightly twitching from the intensity of the thoughts he was processing. Several times, his mouth opened to say something before closing again. His astute bewilderment was almost comical, but I was too anxious that he might completely reject my idea to find it amusing.

"How much per hit?" he eventually asked.

"Almost fifty-six million."

"And how many hits?"

"Twenty at least. Maybe twenty-five if we can pull it off."

"And that's—"

"Just under one point four billion."

That rendered him silent again, as he tried to fathom just how huge my plan was. But just like me, he knew it had to be monumental. Otherwise, people wouldn't truly believe it was Nammota.

"And you really think you can pull it off? We can't waste two weeks on it before realizing it won't be possible," he then pointed out, his tone prudent.

"With everything Lex left behind, and your help, I really think I can. We can. We have to."

"I really like it," Oli declared after a few silent seconds had passed. "It's definitely something Nammota would have done."

"Well, I've been living and breathing Nammota for the past two weeks, I've got a good understanding of how his mind works."

"Also, you've dated the guy," Oli noted with amusement.

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