【67】Spilled Tea

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Of the three days I had left to find the laptop, half was already gone

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Of the three days I had left to find the laptop, half was already gone. Despite how hard I tried to figure out where that damned computer might be, there was still nothing in sight. It almost seemed silly that I'd thought three shifts would make a difference. I should have quit when Lex had asked me, and stayed safe with him instead of this.

Now, I only had this afternoon and tomorrow to find Becker's dirty little secret. And given that I had his daughter's quarters and his wife's walking closet on my list of duties left for today, it wasn't likely I would.

I was feeling pretty defeated as I made my way from the break room to the upper floor. All of this had been for nothing. I'd been taking risks and cleaning this asshole's home for jack squat. When I passed the hallway that led to his office, I eyed the door with disappointment. How was the computer not there?!

Instead of heading for the stairs, I changed course and went to the office instead. If I didn't check it now, I wouldn't have another opportunity to do so before I quit.

There was no one in the hallway, so I swiftly walked to the door, opened it, and slipped into the room. Alright, I needed to be strategic about this and not waste time I didn't have. I swept the room yet again, trying to think outside the box. I even moved the butterflies, to make sure there wasn't a button or something behind the small frames, moved the desk to look for a hidden safe on the floor...

I was so focused on searching efficiently and fast, I barely noticed the lights blinking. It actually took my brain ten seconds to register what had happened. The fixtures on the walls and ceiling had just dimmed and come back. Twice.

My entire body froze, and a dreadful sensation crawled up my spine.

This was Lex. It was our signal for danger.

After it felt like it had stopped altogether, my heart suddenly hammered in my chest. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, triggered by survival instinct. I needed to leave. Now.

Had Becker figured it out? Was he looking for who I really was?

With silent steps, I sprinted to the door. I wasn't supposed to be in here in the first place, so I needed to exit discreetly, to not raise any suspicions. Carefully, I turned the handle and peeked outside. Voices came to my ears, including one that I recognized as being Becker's. Fuck, he was close.

Before I could assess the situation, he came into view, his tall frame entering the corridor. Was he coming to his office?! Quick as lighting, my eyes flew to the man who accompanied him. Pure terror invaded my mind as I recognized his face. Or rather, I recognized the snake tattooed on it.

Instantly, I closed the door and leaned against it, already hyperventilating. Was this the danger Lex had tried to warn me about? The snake guy was in the penthouse. And while Becker didn't know what I looked like, he would. One look at me, and he'd know who I was. He'd know I was Lex's girlfriend. He'd figure out there must be a reason for me to be here, acting like a staffer.

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