【27】Anatomy Lesson

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Pleasure pulled me out of the dark slumber I had drifted into

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Pleasure pulled me out of the dark slumber I had drifted into. A pleasant shiver traveled across my numb body, taking root between my legs, where something – someone – was lapping at my sensitive folds. More graze, more tongue, and another shiver followed the same route, waking me a little more.

I remembered eating with Lex on the bed, him fetching me a warm towel for a quick maintenance, how we'd talked some more while digesting the junk food, and exchanging more cuddles and kisses. But I couldn't remember falling asleep. I was thankful I had, though, because I was now waking up to something entirely delightful.

The mouth between my legs became more audacious, and when my clit was greedily sucked in, combined with the adamant sweep of a tongue, my body jolted from the electric sensation it unleashed, my eyes opening at once.

"Aaah, Lex..." I moaned, sending a hand between the covers to tangle my fingers in his hair.

My limbs were heavy, my mind half asleep, but I still noticed it was dark outside. The night had taken over during my nap. It meant I'd slept for a few hours.

Now that I was awake, Lex became bolder, adjusting his position to take better care of me. My back ached, tilting my hips better and spreading my legs further so I could grant him more freedom of movement.

The covers were reaching just above my navel, so when one of his hands slithered its way up to my breast, I finally got to glimpse at some of him. While his mouth never stopped tormenting me, his hand fondled the mound, pinching my nipple, twisting it gently. With my fingers still clutching his hair, I sent my free hand to my breast as well, covering the back of his. Silently, I encouraged him to press harder, to fondle more.

There was a sensuality to the moment, some languor that kept me in this state of half consciousness. It was lazy, intimate, sweet... and I was enjoying the shit out of it. The fact that I hadn't seen him yet also added to the strangeness of the moment. I was floating, going higher and higher as his ministrations brought me closer to the release he intended to inflict on me.

Expertly, displaying more of his insane skills, Lex licked, sucked, and kissed, extracting more moans and sighs out of me. He was in no rush, and I wasn't either. After the intense way we'd taken everything we could before, this was perfect.

Because I would forever be greedy for more of him, I took his wrist, moving this large hand away from my breast, and brought it up to my mouth. First, I placed a tender kiss in the middle of his palm, and then I slipped two fingers past my lips. I sucked on them as I would have his cock, welcoming his index and middle finger far into my mouth, dragging my tongue across them, hollowing my cheeks...

Lex's low grunt made me smile, and the way it vibrated against my clit had me moaning. Fuck, how could sex always feel like a new experience with this man? How did we manage to constantly surprise each other, always coming up with more?

He kept making love to me with his tongue, and I kept sucking on his fingers, exactly as I would have on his cock. My enterprise took an unexpected turn when Lex moved aways from me with a low curse, halting his ministrations on my pussy and slipping his fingers out of my mouth. The covers were pushed away, and finally, I glimpsed at him in all his might. God, he was so handsome with his darkened eyes, wet lips, and famished expression...

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