【28】Andy the Explorer

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When Sunday came, it seemed our hunger for one another was satiated enough so we could spend parts of the day out of his bed

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When Sunday came, it seemed our hunger for one another was satiated enough so we could spend parts of the day out of his bed. Still, we started the day with some lazy, slow, and languorous lovemaking.

But following the passionate yet tender moment, we dragged ourselves away from the mattress. Leaving the sheets stained with cum and sweat behind us, we moved to the bathroom to share a much-needed bath. After nearly twenty-four hours of rolling around in his bed, we definitely needed an intense scrubbing. While we soaked in the warm water, my back pressed against his torso in a soft embrace, we spoke more.

Because he asked, I gave him more details about the pregnancy scare I'd endured, how terribly it had affected me, and the moral conflict of the dilemma I'd faced. I decided to be honest with him, hiding nothing, pouring out my heart. We didn't need secrets between us. These only tainted the perfect communion of our souls, threatening to ruin it all.

"I knew it was wrong, but I hoped with all my heart that the tests would be positive. You'd decided to cut all ties with me if the trial was lost, so I thought it might make you change your mind. I thought that maybe, if we had a child together, you'd see it was already too late, and there was no reason for you to push me out of your life."

Shifting to the right, I twisted my neck to glance up at him. He was conflicted, his brows furrowed, his lips pinched in a stiff line. "I know it wasn't right. Nothing about my reasoning was. The situation tore me apart, because I knew you'd never want me to keep it, but I still wanted this baby. Your baby, Lex. Ours. The idea of never seeing you again was unbearable. This meant at least I would have had some of you with me, for the rest of my life. A little boy with his dad's gray eyes, dark hair, and genius brain..."

Lex remained silent for a moment as he processed the information. In my quest for honesty, I hadn't realized how the complex choice I'd planned might be poorly received. But there it was. The truth.

"I wanted to cut myself out of your life, not the opposite. You would have forever stayed with me, in a way. I wanted you to still have a future, to still build something with someone and lead a happy life."

"I don't want a future if it's not with you. You've ruined me. No one else can ever make me happy like this. Only you."

"Hmm, you've ruined me as well."

"So, I guess our only option is to be together and never let go," I declared with satisfaction.

"I'm afraid it is, yes. What a terrible fate it is, to be stuck with you forev— Ouch!"

With a well-placed jab of my elbow, I interrupted his teasing. He laughed behind me, making me slightly bounce against his torso. With a gentle hand, he made my face turn toward him again, his eyes admiring me, utter awe filling them. With the flesh of his thumb, he grazed the freckles he loved so much on my cheekbones and nose, his gaze gliding over my features.

"I can't wait to wake up to this face every single day for the rest of my life."

His teasing tone had been replaced by pure, unaltered adoration, and it had me melting on the spot, turning into a puddle in his arms.

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