【40】Great Escapism

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Canada. He was taking me to fucking Canada.

There I'd been, thinking it would be somewhere far like Bali, or some incredible place like Bora Bora. But no, he was taking me four hundred miles north of Seattle, in British Columbia. For fucking real, his big plan to escape involved taking a seven hours road trip closer to the cold.

This was the man I'd chosen to share my life with. The one who had my entire life. A man who could go literally anywhere, but whose pragmatic brain decided this was the safest, most efficient way to disappear. I loved him terribly, but fuck, I really wanted sand between my toes and a sun-kissed skin.

But I had to trust him on this, because it seemed his plan was much, much more complex than I'd originally thought.

This morning, if anyone had been watching his building to keep track of us and figure out our next move, they would have noticed the convoy that had exited the parking sub level at seven sharp. Four black SUVs had driven from our building to the airport, to the private jets section. There, part of the security detail had boarded a small and sleek plane, along with their two heavily protected clients. If anyone was indeed paying attention to know how to get us, they would find out that this specific jet was heading for Cancun, in Mexico.

But it didn't matter if they headed all the way to there, because all we really needed was that they followed the cars, so they'd be lured away from our actual departure. About ten minutes after the SUVs had left, my small, beat up old Ford had made its way into the morning traffic, heading in an entirely different direction. And that was actually us. Not the two bodyguards hired to impersonate us and head into the jet in our stead.

About half an hour after we'd exited the city, Lex had turned into a small dirt road, and ten minutes after we'd left the main highway, a small farm had come to view. He had parked by a building that looked like a small barn before turning off the engine.

"Okay, can you tell me the plan now?" I asked while he helped me out of the car. Although I wasn't in terrible pain anymore, I was still scared to make ample moves, worried I'd ignite any sort of ache.

"We're going to Canada."

Perplexed, I stood there and stared at him, wondering if he was pulling my leg. He either ignored or didn't notice my confusion, and headed to the small barn, taking out the key chain from his pocket. He shuffled through it, making the keys on it jingle with metallic sounds, before finding the one he was looking for.

"Wait, are you serious?" I insisted, bewildered. He'd opened the padlock that held the sliding doors shut and pushed them open.

"Yes. We have about seven more hours to go, and then we'll get to our destination."

"Which is?"

"Canim Lake. There's a house there waiting for us."

"Aren't you worried it'll be too close to Seattle? What if they've heard about Nammota? What if they recognize you from the trial?"

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