【03】Overwhelming Guilt

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Since the defense wasn't taking the plea deal they had been offered, the preliminary hearing had to proceed in its usual fashion

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Since the defense wasn't taking the plea deal they had been offered, the preliminary hearing had to proceed in its usual fashion.

The purpose of this was for the prosecution to display to the judge they had enough evidence pointing toward Lex being the cybercriminal known as Nammota. This hearing wasn't to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that it was him, but to demonstrate it might be.

This meant we would finally know what arguments they had against him. They would have to explain how they tied him to the hacker, and we'd know how strong or flimsy their case was.

The woman in charge of leading the prosecution, Judith Martin, was clearly seasoned and great at her job. Middle-aged, wavy blonde hair, khaki pantsuit, and needle-sharp stilettos, she worked the room with an ease that clearly displayed her experience. After she'd done her introductions, she turned to the judge, ready to plead her case.

She explained how the investigators on this case had proceeded with the utmost discretion, given the elusiveness of the man they were after. She explained how everything was kept offline, and how no one too close to the defendant had been brought in, precisely to avoid Lex to flee.

Lex's distress in one of the videos he'd recorded for me made sense now. Regardless of how hard he'd tried to find information over the investigation, nothing came up. Obviously, their efforts had paid off. None of us would have been here otherwise, sitting in this gloomy courtroom.

"As I understand, you have an expert witness who was essential in this investigation here today, ready to testify with his expertise as a cyber criminologist?" the judge asked.

"We do, your honor. But first, I would like to call on an insider witness who isn't on the list. While it isn't necessary, we believe their insight into the defendant's personal life will help the court understand the process of the investigation that led to Mr. Coleman's arrest."

As the judge considered her request, my mind ran wild. There weren't that many possibilities as to whom she was referencing to. In this room, very few people had insight into Lex's personal life. Three, to be exact. Kevin, Michelle, and me. While there was no way for the prosecution to know the depth of the couple's knowledge about Lex's life, it was rather expected of a girlfriend to know such details.

After a brief moment of reflection, the judge took his decision. "Very well, Mrs. Martin. Who do you wish to call at the stand?"

"Andrea Walker, the defendant's girlfriend, who is in the audience."

Although I'd seen it coming, hearing my name made my heart drop to my stomach. I refused to be used against Lex. Refused to be forced to admit things that might put him into more trouble than he already was.

Lex and his council turned towards me, and Shelly's hand grabbed mine, gently squeezing it with compassion.

"I haven't seen anything from Ms. Walker in this case. Has she not given a deposition yet?"

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