【07】Guilt Trip

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Since Lex was allowed only a certain amount of visitations per month, and because coming on weekends was twice as costly as weekdays, we agreed I would visit every week on Sunday afternoon and then spend Monday morning with him before heading back...

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Since Lex was allowed only a certain amount of visitations per month, and because coming on weekends was twice as costly as weekdays, we agreed I would visit every week on Sunday afternoon and then spend Monday morning with him before heading back to Seattle. I wasn't too keen on missing my Mondays at work, but I also wanted to be there for Lex as much as I could.

We'd had a quick stop at my folks' place with Kevin, where he'd had the pleasure to meet my family, including my Abuela, who seemed smitten by this young, smart, and handsome man. Kevin was equally charmed by her quick wits and playful temperament. At some point, he told her he understood why Lex had spoken so highly of her. For the first time of my life, I'd witnessed my Abuela blushing like a schoolgirl. After a generous serve of leftover chili con carne, we'd gone back to Seattle, our hearts heavy, but our consciences fulfilled to have seen Lex.

On Thursday morning, the guys from the Troll's Lair asked me a lot of questions about him, knowing where I'd been the day before. I answered the best I could, trying to remain as truthful as possible, explaining that Lex was having a hard time but was hanging in there. They were all sorry for him, not only because they appreciated him as a boss, but also because he was indeed Nammota, he didn't deserve to be treated that way.

I drowned myself in work on Friday, and since I was to miss the next Monday, I decided to do the same on Saturday, locked in my bedroom. Neither Kevin nor the guys were blaming me for this inconvenient visiting schedule, but still, I refused to let it slow our advances even further. I was so immersed in scripts and lines of codes that I didn't see the day pass, forgetting I was supposed to drive to Portland to spend the night there. Instead, I decided to leave in the morning and head straight to Sheridan.

What I hadn't anticipated, though, was that I wouldn't want to wake up when the time came.

Dreams had become my solace in these arduous times. I couldn't have him in real life, but when I slept, Lex was mine just like before. Nearly every night, I would dream of him, either relieving fond memories of moments we'd had or fabricating new ones of my own.

When my alarm rang on Sunday morning, I was in the middle of a wonderful dream; one I wanted to linger into, to never wake up from. But as soon as the shrill sound of my phone resonated in the room, the dream slipped away from my grasp, fading back into the dark confines of my subconscious. In a fraction of a second, I wasn't in Lex's arms anymore; we weren't in his apartment, in his bed, enjoying each other as we used to be so good at.

Heartbroken to be ripped from that sweet moment only to be thrown back into the cold and harsh reality, I remained in my bed, staring at the ceiling, silent tears rolling down my temples to get lost in the pillow beside my head. These dreams always left me missing him, starved for his affection, longing for his presence, and in this particular case, craving his touch.

As I lied there, soaking into the depth of my despair, highly aware of my Lexless life, I would have given nearly anything to have him with me, right here in my bed. I wanted him to hug me, to kiss me, to tell me he loved me... I wanted him to take care of the need I had for him, right there between my legs, where the ache was persistent and unyielding.

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