【16】Seeing the Light

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Even if the thorough research I'd done on Deathbringer had given me no reason to doubt them – on the contrary – Oli and I still weren't entirely confident about their intentions

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Even if the thorough research I'd done on Deathbringer had given me no reason to doubt them – on the contrary – Oli and I still weren't entirely confident about their intentions. As much as I wanted to make sure this newcomer was trustworthy, I already knew a shit storm would come my way if I mentioned them to Lex.

If I did, he would know I was getting mixed into some dangerous things, so he'd do anything he could to make me stop. And that included kicking me out of his place, which would make everything much more complicated. So instead, Oli and I were extremely cautious regarding our interactions with Death.

However, a couple of days following our first encounter, I was forced to consider that they might be honest and truly wanted to help Lex out. Thanks to Death's skills, we had found a crack. The Imperium fortress, just like Helm's Deep, had a weakness, and we'd use it to our advantage.

Oli worked during the days, so he couldn't assist me much, but whatever job Death had, it gave them plenty of free time to help out. At first, I'd been very reluctant to give them new tasks, still wary. But it seemed they'd caught on with what I'd planned anyway, and would contact me here and there with helpful tips, entire scripts I'd need, or even some emotional support with kind words of encouragement.

By the time the following weekend came, my trusting nature was having a very hard time to keep holding back. Regardless of us involving Death more or not, we were already fucked if they turned out to be more foe than friend. They knew too much, including our legal identities, even though we'd told them nothing. At this point, they could make it all fall apart regardless of involving them more or not.

Oli spent the next weekend with me again, and once more, we did a lot. He spoiled me with more of his amazing cooking, we solved a few issues and made some great advances overall. While time would be a little short, things were looking very good. Especially with the valuable help of our newest recruit.

When Sunday evening came, and with it Oliver's time to leave, we had a long and serious conversation about Death, to decide what we should do with them. Oli agreed they could fuck us anyway if they wanted to. The conclusion was unanimous. We didn't have much of a choice and might as well trust them at this point, or call the whole thing off.

The next week started, and it would be my last one on sick leave. After that, I'd have to go back to work and pretend everything was normal. All I would have left would be the evenings, where I'd try to last for as long as was humanly possible. This meant I'd have to do as much as I could now before it was too late.

This meant involving Death more as well.

Although I knew virtually nothing about them, aside from what I'd read in their conversations with Lex, they were growing on me. Inevitably, though, we started chatting more and more, and I found out we had quite a few things in common. For one, we both shared a fondness for pastries, candies, and chocolate – which admittedly, wasn't all that uncommon. We also liked a few of the same shows and movies, and even had a few bands we both enjoyed.

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