【43】Questions and Kisses

Start from the beginning

"Really? You must be horny quite a lot."

"You have no idea."

"I used to get really turned on when you called me 'baby', but I've gotten used to it now. I think I'd say it's when you're thinking intently, with your brows furrowed. Sometimes you even have the tip of your tongue poking from between your lips. It makes me want to distract you."

"Oh, please, distract away. I live for distractions."

"Most of that happened when we were at Kelex together, so I held back."

"Really?" I asked, amused. "So what, you'd get a hard-on in the middle of work?"

"Woman, I've stopped counting the unsolicited erections you've triggered at work for me."

Delighted by his admission, I took a sip of my wine with a broad smile. Gesturing toward the game, I offered him an inviting smile. "Alright, it's your turn to pick one."

"Is it our similarities or our differences that attract us to each other?" he read after choosing a card.

"Hmm, that's a good one. For me, our similarities helped us find some common grounds and bond. But I definitely love how different you are from everything I've ever known. That's part of why I'm attracted to you. I like that you're cerebral, full of self-control, and aloof to most of the world. It makes me feel so special that you're spontaneous, open, and warm with me."

"And I love that you're free-spirited, impulsive, and friendly. It makes me want to be the same. It pushes me to be more like you."

"You know you don't have to become like this for my sake, right? I love you just the way you are," I insisted.

"I know. You're more of a role model, if that makes sense? I adore everything about you, so becoming even the slightest bit like you would be an achievement."

His words made my heart flutter, and my eyes became wet with emotions. Damn, I might turn into a puddle by the end of this game. "I'll need you to be much less endearing, Coleman. At this rate, I'll jump you and beg you to put a baby in me by card number four. And not even for the sex; just so I can birth your offspring."

"Right, we'd hate to bother Meryl and Glenn with little hell raisers."

"Exactly. Next question, then. What's the most unusual place we've made love in?"

"Easy. In an airplane's restroom."

"Yeah, that one's a no-brainer. Your turn."

"What possession of your partner's would you like to throw away?" he read.

"Hmm... Okay, I need to think about that a little."

"Your car. I'd throw away your car."

My mouth fell open as I stared at him with disbelief and amusement. "Your hatred for my car is baffling."

"What's baffling is that you kept it around when you have the Mercedes, now."

"It's just in case."

"Of what?"

"I don't know. If the Benz has an issue or something."

"If it does, we'll rent a car during the repairs. And if it can't be repaired, we'll buy a new car."

"Okay, you know what? I'll get rid of my car if we get rid of that weird painting down the hallway at home. The really dark one, by the guest room."

I thought I'd found a good way to delay the throwing away of my old Ford, as the painting was probably worth a small fortune, and he might not agree to part with it so easily. I was clearly wrong, though, as his answer came in less than a second.

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