【36】Death Stick

Start from the beginning

As soon as the waiter came back, Lex signed the bill, and we were off. Paranoia had overtaken me, and I glimpsed at every single person as a potential threat, wondering who here needed a million dollars enough to commit murder. Since we were only a few blocks away from his apartment, we'd come by foot. The perspective of walking back all the way to his place displeased me greatly. I already wasn't feeling confident about the people in this fancy restaurant, I certainly wouldn't feel good about the ones we'd cross paths with on the street.

When I shared my thoughts with him, Lex agreed and busied himself with hailing us a cab. After a couple of them passed by us, already on a run with a client, one finally stopped. We entered the sedan, and I glimpsed at the driver, wondering if he could be dangerous.

No, I was being absurd. The word wasn't that out. Yes, Nammota had a price on his head, but people wouldn't all assume Lex was him. And they wouldn't already have put their plan in motion.

During the short way back to our place, it started raining, making this night even more gloomy if such a thing was possible. That only comforted me in my decision to take a cab rather than walk home. The car stopped right in front of the building, and Lex slipped a ten dollars bill to the driver, telling him to keep the change. Now that we were almost home in the secure fortress of the apartment, I was already feeling better. Once up there, we'd investigate the matter, see if the threat was real, and then strategize on what we should do next.

Lex exited the cab first, since he was on the proper side, and waited for me as I joined him out in the lightly pouring rain. My dress wasn't offering much protection against the cold drops, but my jacket helped. So I held it around me, not only because of the weather, but also because it gave me a sense of protection. Lex must have sensed my keen concern, because he wrapped a solid arm around my shoulders.

Someone wanted him dead. And they were ready to pay a small fortune to see it happen.

With each step we took toward the door, I was feeling slightly better. We were almost home. In the apartment we were now sharing.

A man was smoking a cigarette near the door, his face half-hidden by the hoodie he'd probably pulled up because of the rain. Our eyes crossed, I noticed a tattoo on his face, a snake twirling on his sharp features, but then my attention focused on Bertrand, the doorman, who was already opening the heavy glass door for us.

Somehow, my gaze was drawn back to the stranger with the cigarette, as my disturbed brain only now registered that there was something chilling in the look he'd sent me. With a practice gesture, he flicked his death stick away, its amber glow drawing an arch in the darkness. Right as it landed and rolled on the ground, the man reached for something behind him, tucked in the back of his baggy jeans.

My eyes widened at the sight of a handgun, its silvery barrel shining into the night. Dread filled me in a split second, and a rush of something powerful ran through my veins, making my entire body feel electric. In the same gesture, the stranger pulled the slide back and aimed it at Lex.

Instinct, pure and raw, took control of my body, and I pushed with all my weight against Lex. With impressive strength, I shoved him out of the weapon's aim and further into the doorway. At the precise moment I did that, the man pulled the trigger.

A detonation tore through the silence of the evening. A flash of white illuminated it for the fraction of an instant as Lex and I stumbled inside.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Lex realized what was happening and grabbed a hold of me as we fell together, unable to maintain our balance. As soon as we'd fully fallen into the hallway, Bertrand hastily pulled on the door to slam it shut – but not before the man outside took another shot toward us, missing once more. I watched, terrified, as the armed man took a few more shots, determined to carry out his mission. But the glass was bulletproof, the deadly bullets bouncing over it after leaving marks of partially shattered glass. Once more, I felt blessed by just how secure the building was.

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