【32】The Park in Longview

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"That's quite considerate of you, thank you. And are we talking two full weeks of working on it, or just a little here and there?"

"I've spent quite a few hours on it already," he explained. "It's how I've been occupying my days, actually. It's that personal project I told you about."

Oh, damn... Okay, that meant he'd spent a lot of time on that gift. What the heck could it be?

"Stop trying to guess, Andrea. If you do find out what it is beforehand, I'll spank you until you can't sit for a week."

"You're not supposed to threaten people with a good time, Alexander," I teased. In search of a distraction, I looked around at the car. "Can it drive itself like a Tesla?"

"No, Audi doesn't do that."

"Hmm... A shame."

"Why is that?"

"We could have put it on autopilot and have a quick fuck."

I was only teasing him, which I loved doing so much, but he took me seriously, with a concerned frown. "It doesn't work like that. You're still supposed to pay attention and have to be able to correct the car's course if necessary."

"You have to admit that sex in a moving car has got to be hot," I countered, wanting to see how far I could take this.

"It's dangerous and inconsiderate. Sex in a parked car sounds just as hot and way less perilous."

"Are you saying that if I offered to suck you off right now, you'd turn me down?"

He gave me a side glance, wondering if there was some hidden offer there. "It would mean that you'd have to remove your seatbelt and get into a hazardous position that could prove fatal in case of an accident. Which would be more likely to happen, since I'll be distracted by your lips and tongue on my cock. Which, by the way, you might bite off during a collision. So, if you offered me a blow job right now, I'd either stop the car in an inconspicuous location or, but that's less likely, turn you down."

Damn, who knew being responsible could be so hot? I'd never sucked a man off while he was driving, and while the thought had often occurred while I was in a car with him, I'd never actually considered it. I just loved how pragmatic and logical he was about all this, when nearly all other men would have jumped on the occasion. No, my Lex was being reasonable and weighing all the pros and cons – which were mostly cons, while the only pro was his pleasure.

"So, should I take the next exit?" he asked with a playful tone.

"Actually, right now, it's your brain that I want to lick. And as tempting as shoving your dick down my throat is, I'd rather we get to our destination on time. So, keep driving, Coleman."

"Aye aye, captain."

We arrived right at the time I'd planned to our destination, and Lex looked with unmasked curiosity at the park before us. A little outside of town, it was a park like there were thousands in the United States, including a few much closer to Seattle than this. Luckily for me, nothing was set for the actual thing we'd driven two hours for, so he wouldn't get to guess why we were here right away.

"Help me out, will you?" I asked, taking out a large bag from the trunk.

I'd loaded everything earlier without him seeing. Now, however, I was more than okay with his assistance. He grabbed the largest bag, and I took care of the two mats I'd bought for the occasion. We walked further, and I noticed a few people were still here, enjoying the last rays of sun. It was a beautiful day, warmer than it had been in a while. There were a few families scattered around, dogs playing fetch with their owners, couples sprawled on the lawn...

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