【30】The Overdue Feast

Start from the beginning

"I never knew you two had met in the elevator before being officially introduced," Kevin said, looking at Lex with amusement.

"Not gonna lie, it was an odd moment," I said. "Even as an absolute stranger, he left quite an impression on me, as if some part of me knew there was something there. But then I officially met him, and he didn't make a good second impression at all."

"Well, I usually botch the first impression, so I guess that's an improvement." We chuckled at his solemn tone, and I didn't refrain from my urge to press my temple against his shoulder for a brief moment.

"And you, Lex? Did anything happen to you during that elevator moment?"

He took a moment to reflect on Shelly's question, and I hoped he wouldn't feel embarrassed by whatever answer he'd give. In all honesty, if he hadn't thought anything of me, it was okay. I rarely marked the spirits.

"At first, I didn't think much of her, because I'm used to the elevators being overly crowded. Apart from how she smelled of jasmine, I liked that. When I looked down at her after a moment, I remember finding her somehow pretty. But I must have been on a bad day then, because now when I look at her, she's nothing short of stunning," he explained, meeting my eyes with intensity. "She made a joke at some point, which piqued my interest further. And when she pulled away to exit, I noticed her T-shirt. I think that's what really struck a chord in me. She stayed on my mind for a moment, and then I was distracted by Andrew, whom I was about to meet. I was positively shaken when I realized she was my new, much awaited employee."

"Yeah, I wasn't an Andrew," I said, my voice altered by the emotions his confession had unleashed in me.

"No, you were an Andrea."

We stared at each other for a moment, and many things passed into our silent exchange. Had we known back then everything we knew now, things would have been so different.

"Okay, that's it," Kevin intervened. "You two are about to give me a toothache with all that mushy sweetness. Can I get anyone a coffee?"

Lex and I agreed, while Michelle refused with a shake of her head. Kevin grabbed a few plates he piled up, and exited the room to head over to the kitchen. From the other side of the table, Shelly observed us with keen attention, and I could see something in her had shifted. She wasn't the friend anymore; she was the therapist.

"How are you two doing?" she asked.

"We're good. We're really good," I declared, taking Lex's hand to hold it tightly. "We've been talking a lot in the past few days, and it's helped us tremendously."

"Talking is important, yes. Especially after what you've been through. Both of you."

"Yes, we've been very honest and open," Lex confirmed. "We've got a healthy line of communication going on, and we'll make sure to keep it that way."

"I take it there are no more secrets between you, now that Lex's past has come to light?"

I shook my head with confidence, knowing there was nothing I was hiding on my side. "He doesn't know everything about me, and I'd like to think there's still some mystery to me. But I'm not purposefully withholding information from him."

"Same on my end."

"Have you spoken to your family recently, Lex?" she then asked.

He tensed next to me, his hand holding mine tighter. "No. Not yet."

His family was a touchy topic. One I'd avoided to talk about, because it was clearly distressing to him. They had basically abandoned him at the moment he needed them the most. And while it was understandable – although unacceptable – from his parents, I knew how deeply he was hurt by the way his sisters had behaved.

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