The forever active part of Lex decided we couldn't stay in this mess, so he gathered my things that were still on the bed. With my back on the headboard, I enjoyed the show, delighted to have regained the right to witness him in his birthday suit. The bag I'd partially prepared had tumbled to the floor a while back, but a few clothes and items hadn't fallen victim to our amorous embraces. With a bunch of them in hands, he hesitated on what he should do with them.

"Leave them on the floor. It's all going to the laundry anyway," I explained. There was most likely cum, sweat, or even spit on these, so a good wash couldn't hurt.

He considered it for a moment, before eventually complying, dropping them. His discomfort was obvious, and I found him adorable for it. Once there were only the covers, pillows, and me left on the bed, Lex crawled back on it to lay by my side.

Our bodies naturally sought one another, and our legs tangled while I pressed my front to his side. In the crook of his arm, with his warmth radiating through me, I was feeling safe, happy, and home. But as amazing as everything was in that moment, we still had to talk. Many things had to be said and discussed before we let them jeopardize everything. The first thing was rather obvious, so my tongue brought it up before my brain could think about it.

"I didn't know you still didn't trust me with Oli," I said, my eyes lost somewhere on a wall.

There was a long moment before he answered, and I realized I could have been more delicate with this. "I didn't know either," he eventually admitted. "I didn't have a problem with him before, but when I was there, my insecurities came back. I've put you through hell, so many times, it seems only natural you'll see I'm no good for you and actually go for someone who is."

Touched by his confessions, I tightened my hold on him. "You're what's best for me, Lex. No one else could make me as happy as you do."

"But no one else could make you as miserable either."

There was a truth to his words, so I didn't deny them. He was right, he'd put me through hell in the past, willingly or unwillingly. But he'd also opened Heaven's gates for me, much, much more often than that. And I had the absolute conviction that with time, there wouldn't be anymore pain and heartache – only happiness and bliss. We had that much potential in us. All we needed was to hang on until we reached this flawless and divine stage.

Tilting my head, I looked up at him, only to find his gaze littered with guilt. My hand reached up to cup his jaw, gently grazing his thick beard with the pad of my thumb.

"Baby, you once told me you'd trust my judgment because I'm the smartest woman you know. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. It's you or no one else. Otherwise, I would spend the rest of my life comparing other men to you, only to find them terribly inferior."

"I know the feeling," he answered, bringing me closer and laying a gentle kiss on my lips. When he pulled away, there was something warm and intense in his gaze. I settled back with my temple against his chest, wriggling to be as close to him as I could.

"Please, don't ever think I'd pick Oli over you. It's completely wrong, and a little offensive, to say the truth. The time when I thought Oli and I would be a good fit is long gone."

"Are you sure he knows that?"

"What do you mean?"

"He took some major risks to help you. It doesn't sound like someone who's moved on."

"He wasn't doing it for me. Well, not only for me. He wanted to help you out."

"I'm not that good of a boss."

His interjection made me chuckle softly. "It actually had nothing to do with you being his boss. When you did the StarCare heist, you helped his family out of a lifetime of debts. He's been a big fan for years, and he wanted to help you in return."

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