Come Back To Me

Începe de la început

"We do not want anyone else hurt. And I'm sure you don't either. You are a good man, Walker. Deep down, I know that you are." I swallowed the lump that was continuing to grow in my throat as I continued. "But you have to give me the shield."

John's body froze, his gaze directed to the floor as if he did not hear my words or at the very least did not wish to address them. Slowly, he raised his gaze, meeting my eyes with a coldness I never expected from him.

"Oh. That's what this is." A humorless chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head. "You almost got me, Y/L/N."

"This isn't something I'm eager to do, John." My hand slowly crept towards my waist band, my fingers searching for the gun I had placed there. "But you know you need to give it up. "

His eyes followed my hand, flashing as he understood what I was doing. John shook his head slowly. "You don't want to do this."

My hand grasped onto the grip and let out a shaky breath as I pulled it free, aiming it at him as I looked at him one more time. "No. But I will do what I must."


Bucky's POV

The sound of bullets firing in the warehouse caught my attention as I approached the building. "Fuck!" I grunted, my pace picking up to a full sprint. "Sam?"

"I heard it too. Almost there."

In most other situations, I would've rolled my eyes at her inability to follow directions. Whether it was refusing to stay in bed when I insisted on making breakfast or sneaking out to her computer to write one more page for her thesis, it always brought some sort of amusement to me. But not this. Not when confronting a man who had just committed murder, and taken the serum.

I rounded the corner and entered the warehouse, my heart nearly stopping as I found the sight before me. Y/N was shoved against the wall, her fingers grasping onto the shield as Walker was trying to pry it from her grip. Blood was trickling from a gash on her forehead, her bottom lip busted.

"Why are you making me do this?" His voice was a growl, his face twisted with rage before screaming the words again. "Why are you making me do this?"

He yanked on the shield, pulling her away from the wall before quickly head-butting her, causing her grip to loosen but not fall away.

"You can do whatever you want to me...but it won't change the fact that you are not even half the man Steve Rogers was. " Y/N's voice was strained as she glared at Walker. "You do not deserve to carry that shield."

Fuming, Walker spun around, his grip tightening on the shield as the force of his movement threw Y/N across the room and slammed her body into an electrical box, shooting sparks into the air. She did not get up.

Before I could even move, Sam flew directly at Walker, his hands aiming for the shield. But the thrust of this shield upward connected with his chest stopped him altogether and onto the ground.

It took no more than five seconds for me to reach where Y/N had collapsed, my breath caught in my throat as I pulled her into my arms and took in the damage. Her face and neck were speckled with bruises, an even darker one forming over her left eye. She had taken one hell of a beating.

"Y/N..." My voice was nearly a whisper, as I gently shook her. "You gotta wake up for me, doll."

Her head lolled to the side at my movement, and I shook my head slowly, tears beginning to build in the corners of my eyes. I pulled her tight against me, cupping her face with my flesh hand, my thumb stroking cheek gently. "Please, baby. Come back to me."

The sound of grunting pulled my gaze away from her momentarily, watching as Walker pinned Sam to the ground, tearing his wings from his suit. I glanced back at Y/N, still finding her eyes closed. I pressed my lips gently against her forehead as I placed her down again. "I'll be back. I promise."

Just as Walker was raising the shield to strike Sam, I slammed into him, knocking him to the ground. After standing again, I rushed him quickly, my fist connecting with his jaw. It took everything in me not to beat the man to death, each blow following the next in rapid succession. A small smirk spread across his face after he landed on his back, glaring up at me.

"I'm guessing your girlfriend didn't wake up from her power nap, did she?"

My vision turned red, and as I moved to land a kick to the ribs, he swung his arm out, knocking me to the ground with a grunt. Before I could get myself up again, the shield struck me in the back, knocking me down again and taking my breath with it. I rolled onto my back, and looked up, watching as John Walker raised the shield above his head once again, prepared to knock my lights out, perhaps for good.

But before he could move a muscle, the sound of a gun firing broke into the fight. The scream of pain he released drew my eyes to his arm holding the shield, blood pouring steadily from a new wound.

Sam came up from behind him and yanked him backward, forcing the shield from his arm. I turned around and found Y/N standing behind me with her gun in her hands. Her eyes reflected exhaustion, and she looked mere moments from collapsing. I quickly stood up and caught her in my arms before she could fall, holding her against my body.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she let her gun drop to the ground, her fingers dancing across the skin of my face checking for any cuts or bruises. I couldn't help the small chuckle that left my body.

"You are asking me that? You got thrown into an electrical box and were nearly beaten to death. I feel like I should be asking you."

"Nothing that some ice and Aspirin won't fix." Y/N teased gently and I shook my head in amusement. "Maybe some bed rest, too. I think he may have broken a rib or two."

"How you manage to laugh after something like this is beyond me." I gently pressed my lips to her forehead. "I thought I lost you for a minute."

"You won't lose me, Buck." She looked up at me with a small smile before it faded. "And I'm sorry that I didn't follow your orders. I guess I thought that I was capable of taking him on my own."

"I forgive you, doll. You can defy them at home all you want, but I just ask you to follow them out here. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." I leaned down and kissed her gently.

Although it took time for Walker to be punished accordingly, knowing that Y/N had survived was enough for me. I had never expected that it would ever come this close to losing her, and I would never allow it to happen again.

A/N: That ending was kinda meh, but tell me what you all think! :)

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