"21 years old and 11 months."

"When did you fall down the stairs?" My father asked.

I didn't see this one coming so I said the first thing that popped up in my mind.

"Last Friday." I said nervously.

"Mm. Ok. Is there anyone responsible for your fall?" Daddio asked. Gosh why so many questions!

"No I was to blame I didn't look while I was walking and I fell." I replied.

"No one was responsible Cara?" He asked looking into my eyes.

I was a terrible liar already I can't lie with him looking into my eyes!

I felt a few tears roll down my cheek and I wiped them fast. "Y-yes."

"Why are you crying if it's just an accident?" William asked.

"Something went into my eyes." I replied fast, God what are they doing!

"Tell us the truth Amelia what happened to you. Don't lie to me Cara" my father demanded.

I put my face into my hands so I won't have to look at them.

"I was kidnapped Ok? But its fine because I'm safe now."  I said wiping my tears and smiling at them.

"Who hurt you Amelia?" Christian asked.

"It was another mafia. But the dude is dead. It's fine really." I said holding onto Adrian's hand that was under the table.

"What did they do?" My father asked looking into my eyes.

"Well you see this guy did not like me and we had a little argument. He was angry. I was angrier. And what happened happened." I answered squeezing Adrian's hand harder.

"And what exactly happened?" Christian asked getting angry.

They weren't happy that I wouldn't get to the point.

"I can't." I said holding my face in my hands so I won't have to look at them angry.

"Tell us now." William demanded getting angry too. Adrian put a hand on my back and I felt a little stronger feeling his support so I answered.

"They beat me. I mean what do you expect when someone gets kidnapped. Obviously they won't have a fucking tea party with the kidnapper." I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"And what else? How did you escape? And why are you on a wheelchair?" My father asked. I think he already knew but wanted me to admit It. Admit that I can't lie without being found out in here.

"They raped me ok! Thats why I can't walk properly! Because They fucking raped Me back to back and I couldn't do anything! Is that what you wanted to hear papà? That I was raped and beat till I could hardly take a breath in without feeling pain!" I broke down and I couldn't stare at their faces. Their sympathy made me feel weak. "I'm sorry I lied to you. I didn't want any of you to think I'm weak."

I cried softly.

"We don't think you're weak Amelia." Christian said. Looking at me with his eyes full of both sympathy and rage.

"How did you escape?" My father asked.

"Adrian told you the whole thing already didn't he? Why do you want me to repeat it?" I asked looking at him.

"Because I want you to know that no one can lie here. No matter how hard they try to cover up their acts."

"But I didn't do anything! I'm mortality! And I do mistakes! But this time, I have nothing to get blamed for! What acts! All I did was breathe. That's all I did and apparently the men who did this to me did not like that. So I had to suffer because I exist!"

"I'm not angry with you Amelia. I'm just showing you the rules of being here. I never said this was your fault Amelia. And I love you dearly. Don't ever think otherwise." My father said.

"Well, lesson learned. Dear father."I stood up and walked away from all the people here. I am way too ashamed of myself to be with them right now.

I left my wheelchair and everything and walked down the stairs to my room. I fell a few times but I was saved by the railing.

I got to my room and closed the door behind me.

I laid on the bed and slept.

That's how I cope.

I am drowning in my own feelings and no one can help me.

So I'll just let myself drown.


Dominic's pov*

God I'm so Stupid! Did I really have to teach her that way?

Adrian looked at me and said. "Why would you do that Dominic? You never do that! You go and make up with your daughter! She didn't deserve that, she didn't do anything. She lied for your sake!" I was too sad by what I did to comment on his volume.

"She wants to stay alone for a bit I'm going to let her do that. Then I'm going to make up for my mistakes." I said.

"Last time she wanted some alone time she stayed in her room for a week starving herself and she ended up in the hospital and she almost died!" Adrian yelled.

"Watch your voice young man do not talk to me like that!" I shouted.

"No! You watch your words before hurting your daughter like that!" He said then stormed out of the room.

Sorry it's kinda short but the next chapter will be long

Dominic is a nice guy I promise you just wait.



My Bright Lightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें