Chapter Fifty-Three

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That morning, I sneak out of bed to use the restroom and freshen up before coming back to bed. I feel Yoongi stir near me, and I roll over to find him looking at me. We share a mutual smile as he glides his hands over me. It's not long before he's stripped me of my clothing and proceeds to make love to me, taking his time quietly. We are careful not to make noise, keeping the shared intimacy between us.

He's on top of me, our hips rolling together, his head buried in my neck when we begin to orgasm together, and that's when I accidentally whisper, "I love you!" into his ear. My eyes widen; it is too late, the words slipped out in the moment of passion, and I can't take it back.

He's still riding out his orgasm, but he lifts his head to look me in the eyes and smiles gently at me, crashing his lips into mine, kissing me over and over, as if to let me know that it's perfectly okay my emotions got away from me, and I appreciate his understanding.

It's not long after we finish that we hear movements in the kitchen as the others are starting to wake up. Yoongi decides he will go make everyone breakfast while I go and take a quick shower.

Everyone is recovering from the night before, and we eat in relative silence, but something seems off. I notice the guys start picking up their phones every few minutes, and there seem to be glances back and forth between them.

"Is everything alright?" I finally ask. "Something seems different...."

"Hyung..." Jimin says sternly, looking at Yoongi.

"Jimin..." Yoongi replies indifferently.

"Tell her," Namjoon replies, but he sounds almost angry.

"What is going on?" I pull out my phone and notice there are more notifications than I can imagine coming up from my various apps, and I look confused. Glancing up from my phone, I catch Tae's eye; he looks utterly panicked, which concerns me.

It feels like there is a shift in the air, and when I feel Hobi place his hand on my knee, I know something is definitely wrong.

"Oh no, is Minjun free? Did he leak more photos?" I panic. I need to move. Shooting up from my seat, I take a few steps into the living room while unlocking my phone. Feeling the anxiety building quickly within me, it begins flooding my senses.

Pacing back and forth, I finally come to a stop and open my texts, reading one from Jae, "Did you see what Yoongi posted on the website?"

I'm confused, so I go to the site locating Yoongi's feed. There is a screenshot of a song he's shared from Spotify with a fire emoji indicating he likes the track. I squint to see the name, and then there it is, my name is listed as the artist!

"What the..." I say in confusion. Jimin and Hobi slowly get up from their stools and start walking towards me.

"I don't understand..." I follow a link to find an artist's page with my picture, and I recognize it as one that JK took of me when we were in the studio.

I hit play and realize that Yoongi has taken the raw tracks he asked me to sing to show JK the song we wrote for him, and instead, he has produced and released the song as mine. I stare in disbelief and notice there are already 300,000 likes, and the number is growing.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, noooooo!" I cry desperately, the words building with fear and worry as I slide down to my knees, clutching my chest in disbelief.

"Yoongi, wha....what did you do? Why did you do this to me?" My breath is labored, my heart is pounding in my ears.

He stands up with pleading eyes, "Lily, you are being deported! Nobody will hire you. You won't come to L.A. with us. I had to take care of you, and this was the only way....."

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