Chapter Forty-Five

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Hobi has been caring for me non-stop

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Hobi has been caring for me non-stop. He is always trying to feed me soup, wiping my face with cool washcloths, and making me take medicine to reduce my fever as I fall in and out of sleep.

I wake up and feel Hobi wrapped tightly around me. The room is full of light, and I wonder what time it is. He stirs and then sits up as I turn to face him. "Lily, you're awake!"

I slowly prop myself up on the pillows and smile weakly at him. "I feel a little better. Hobi, did I sleep through the night?"

"Lily, I found you two days ago," he relays, scrunching a concerned face at me.

"You've been taking care of me for two days?"

He brushes a hand down my cheek, and I catch his hand in mine. "I love you so much, Hobi. You are truly one of my most precious friends," I declare with a tear sliding down my cheek.

"I love you too, Lily," he replies and pulls me to him for a long gentle hug.

"Ugh, I smell awful. How can you stand it? Can you help me get some clothes so I can try and shower? Hobi, I need to clean up. Please?"

"Yes, wait here for right now, and let me set up everything for you first."

"Thank you, Lovie."

He presses a bottle of water to my lips. "Drink first." I've learned that when Hobi gives an order, he expects you to comply, so I take a small sip and then sink back into the pillows as he darts out of the room. I hear the sounds of my suitcase and the rifling through my things. I silently thank the universe for bringing Hobi into my life.

He returns to help me down the hall; I clutch the walls for support. When he delivers me to the bathroom, I see he has placed everything I need out, and I thank him profusely.

"Lily, take it slow and be very careful. You're still weak, and I don't want you to fall. If you need anything, just yell for me, and I will be right there. I promise I will avert my eyes." His tone is sweet but assertive. I nod, promising to obey his orders.

The bathroom is clean but not modern in any way. It's designed as a classic wet room with a shower head installed on the wall near the toilet. I'm grateful for this setup as it allows for me to easily sit down when I need to take a break. It takes me a long time as I go at a slow pace.

The warm water feels amazing as I wash away days worth of grime. I realize I haven't actually showered since the night Yoongi and I were together. Flashes of his lips on mine run through my mind, but it's difficult to enjoy the memories when the weight of all the things I've lost in the last few days are looming over me.

Shampooing and conditioning my hair, the scent of the products wafts through my nostrils, giving me a new lease on life. The water washes over me until it finally runs cold. I proceed to dry up and then slowly dress. Brushing my teeth is absolutely cathartic; I'm happy to feel like a human being again.

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