Chapter Thirty Two

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I sigh when we arrive at my place, and Jimin insists on coming up to my apartment

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I sigh when we arrive at my place, and Jimin insists on coming up to my apartment. When he quietly explains he isn't leaving me alone for the night, I know he's ignoring my protest because he locks my apartment door behind him, indicating he's already made up his mind.

"You really don't need to fuss over me," my voice is weary, and I'm ashamed of the entire situation.

"Beautiful, grab some clothes and go take a nice hot shower. Take your time. I'm not going anywhere. You're worried because he knows your address, aren't you?"

I nod wordlessly with vacant eyes. I'm too tired to be shocked that Jimin can read my mind so easily.

"He's not going to hurt you again. Now go wash up, you're okay, I'm just going to make myself at home. I'm spending the night, but I promise it will be completely innocent. I'm here for you tonight."

I feel like a zombie; I nod and grab a fresh set of undergarments, sweatpants, and an oversized t-shirt. I point to my closet, "Help yourself to anything," I say blankly. "Clothes, water, food is in the fridge. You don't mind if I take a long shower?" I ask without any focus.

"Of course not; there is no hurry. Now go," he gently commands.

I don't have it in me to even question what is going on or why Jimin has volunteered for an impromptu all-night security detail, but I can tell that he is being completely sincere.

Standing in the bathroom, I notice my reflection in the mirror, I look like hell. I take the frazzled ponytails out of my hair and remove the makeup remnants that have left watery black streaks stained on my cheeks. While flossing and brushing, I can't shake the day's events from my mind. My phone chimes, and I find a text message from Hobi.

Hobi: Are you okay? I'm so worried about you!

Lily: I'm okay. Thank you for checking in on me. I'm going to shower.

Hobi: You rest, and I will check in with you tomorrow. I'm here if you need me.

Lily: Thank you, Lovie. Talk later.

I'm gutted that I've made Hobi worry about me, but I appreciate that he cares. When I finally haul myself into the shower, I set the water as hot as I can take and pray it will wash away the memories of Minjun twisting the leather cuff into my wrist. I try earnestly to scrub the memories of my childhood away, my failed relationships, these seven men that seem to have a grip on my life now, and Minjun and his possessive stalking. I fill my senses with the scent of my shampoo and conditioner and run the soap over me until the hot water starts to run cold.

It feels like I've been in the bathroom for hours when I finally emerge clean and dressed in my new set of clothes. I smell something delicious as soon as I open the bathroom door, and Jimin is in my tiny kitchen with takeout set up on the table, motioning me to come sit. Somewhere in my mind, I wonder how he managed to get us food so quickly, but I don't even question it. I chalk it up to the mystery that is Jimin as I'm too tired to think anymore today.

"Thank you so much," I say, but it comes out like a whisper.

He smiles and squeezes my hand as I sit, and we quietly share containers of rice with grilled vegetables and chicken. Neither of our appetites is that big, but we take our time eating and silently clean up together afterward.

"The hot water should be back now if you'd like to wash up. Feel free to raid my closet," I say dully as I climb into bed.

"I think I will," he says with a warm smile as he digs into my closet, pulling out sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Lay down. It's fine if you fall asleep, okay?"

I nod in agreement feeling the exhaustion settling over my body. I hear the sound of the shower as my eyelids grow heavier and my body drifts away into sleep.

I wake up when I feel Jimin slide into bed next to me, he stays a respectful distance away, but I roll over to face him. I take one of my extra pillows and hug it between us, and he gives me a genuine smile.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing better now. Jimin, why are you here?" My words come out barely above a whisper.

"Lily, do you know how many death threats I receive in a day? The company tries to shield me from the details, but they can't always protect me from them. That's part of the reason why I'm not particularly eager to use social media much anymore. ARMY is protective, and I appreciate it so much. I know they care about my well-being for the most part, but outsiders are scary. I know what it's like feeling like somebody could sneak up on you and attempt to hurt you at any given moment. I live it every day of my life."

"Oh, Jiminie, I'm so sorry."

I reach out to squeeze his delicate hand, but he continues to hold onto it gently, and I feel completely comforted in this single form of touch.

"Why would anyone want to hurt you? I don't understand."

"Actually, you do. At least you do now."

I look at him with confusion setting in as I scrunch my face trying to decipher his meaning.

"You and I are cut from the same cloth in the way that we can both channel masculine and feminine energy. Other people need to pair up with somebody else and get the opposite energy from them; however, you and I can turn on a dime in either direction. It's the "duality" you always hear ARMY referring to," he smiles.

"The moment we met, I recognized that energy in you. It's rare to meet anybody who shares the same kind of energy as I. Today when I saw you on stage, I watched you channel it. You can switch your energy at any given moment. I do that too. It's just part of our personalities. Unfortunately, there is a lot of hate for people like us in the world. People like to fear what they don't understand."

I nod, trying to take in everything he is saying.

"When I was younger, I would get so angry. Sometimes the guys would get so mad at me because my temper would flare so easily, but it's because I wasn't being true to myself. I was trying so hard to channel an over-the-top masculine version of myself, but it wasn't me being my authentic self. Over time, the company could see that that image wasn't working for me, and you know I have a lot of respect for them because they realized I just needed to learn how to be myself. I'm much happier now, and I feel like I'm a better performer now that I can embrace all my different sides."

I'm intrigued by his observation and depth of self-reflection. Gazing into his eyes, I feel like this side of Jimin is one I could stay curled up on this bed with forever.

"You know today, Minjun saw all your different sides, and he feared it. You didn't fit into that box he wanted to put you in, so instead of moving on, he threatened you. In his mind, you refused to be the person he thinks you should be. Unfortunately, he chose the worst response. He's trash; we throw people like him and his opinions out. Your parents were trash also. Don't let memories of them break you down. You're a beautiful person inside and out."

"How did you know," I say, looking down at the pillow between us.

"I quietly observe."

"Thank you so much for bringing me home," I say with a yawn escaping my lips.

"Sleep, Lily, it's time to sleep," he says sweetly, and we both roll into our separate sides of the bed and drift off to sleep, knowing that neither of us is alone.

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