Chapter Forty-Six

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Message from Yoongi: How are you feeling?

Lily: Much better! Hobi has had me under strict orders all day.

Yoongi: I'm not surprised. I'm glad he's there.

Lily: Did I mention he won't even let me sleep alone. Is that OK?

Yoongi: He found you passed out on the bathroom floor. I told him not to take his eyes off you.

Lily: OK, I just didn't want you to think anything weird is going on.

Yoongi: Trust me, I would never worry about that with Hoseok.

I wonder why?

Lily: OK, good! I was a little worried.

Yoongi: Lily!

Lily: Yes?

Yoongi: Darling, stop worrying; I still like you.

Lily: You're making me blush.

Yoongi: Good. I can't wait until I can see you again.

Lily: Me too. Miss you.

Yoongi: Miss you too! Have a goodnight, Darling. I will message you tomorrow.

Lily: Looking forward to it! Goodnight!


Message to Namjoon: Joon, I'm sorry I've been ill, but I want you to know how much I appreciate you.

Namjoon: Thanks! You're sweet. I'm happy I could help but trust me, the whole team helped me pull that off.

Lily: Well, I appreciate them too, but mostly you!

Namjoon: Thanks! Sleep well, Lil.

Lily: You too, Joonie!


Message to Jimin: I haven't forgotten your kindness. Goodnight, my guardian!

Jimin: Goodnight, Beautiful! Message anytime!


Message to Tae: I'm sorry I missed my last performance at Chez Musique!

Tae: Lily! Are you feeling any better? It's OK!

Lily: A lot better, but Hobi is being bossy and making me rest.

Tae: I wanted to come help you, but then who would take care of all our kids?

Lily: We need a nanny!

Tae: I'm on it! Goodnight, baby Mama!

Lily: Goodnight!

"Lily, it's time to get in bed. You need to get a good night's rest. I have to head back to the city tomorrow."

"Yes, bossy pants! I was just trying to finally reply to some of the messages I missed while I was sick."

Hobi chuckles while taking my phone out of my hand and placing it on the nightstand. I'm amused that he is taking his caretaker role so seriously, but really was I any different when I barged into his home to take care of him? He tucks me in and then climbs into bed next to me.

Rolling over to face him while I hug a pillow, I finally broach the subject we've been ignoring all afternoon. "Hobi, when is the statement going up on the website? I'm scared."

"In a few hours," he says, rolling over. Reaching over, he rubs his hand over mine. "Don't worry, Lily. I know it's scary, but I seriously trust ARMY. I think we are all going to be okay. We're not lovers; we're just friends. It's going to be a little rough at first, but I truly believe it's going to end up fine in a few weeks."

"Just how long does everybody expect me to hide up here? I'm starting to feel like a prisoner."

"Patience Lily, you need to give it time."

"Hobi, did you forget I lost my job. I have bills to pay, and the rent will be due. I mean, I have worked very hard and have a pretty healthy savings account that I am super proud of, but I don't want to drain it! Also, most importantly, my visa is going to be null and void. I have an E-6 culture and art visa, and I have no way of renewing it at this point. I'm going to have to go back to America, but everyone I consider to be my family is here. Hobi, I'm barely hanging on with two hands at this point."

He frowns for a few minutes and gives my hand a quick squeeze as he rolls onto his back. "Hmm, I will talk to Joon and Yoongi about all this when I get back to the city. Maybe we can come up with a way to fix this, but first things first. Let's survive tonight first."

"Okay, you're right; I'm just not used to feeling such little control over my life."

"Welcome to my world, Lily, welcome to my world....."

I sigh and roll onto my back as we try to fall asleep.

Brace for impact, Lily.....

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