Chapter Twenty Eight

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Eating lunch with Hana is such a pleasant hiatus from the frenetic energy of the guys. Hana possesses a sweet, calming energy that I can't help but feel comforted by. If I had met her before Jin, I easily could have developed a crush on her. Instead, I consider her to be slowly growing into a friend I can trust. She reminds me of how Jae and I started, and I'm so thankful Jin introduced us.

"Are you sure you don't mind practicing English with me?"

"No, not at all! Please, Hana, you don't have to ask me every time we hang out! I'm so happy to make a new friend. Any friend of Jin's is a friend of mine!" I reassure her in Korean to make sure she clearly understands me, and then we delve back into English.

I watch as she smiles, starry-eyed over the mention of Jin's name, and I'm in awe. There seems to be no angst or awkward struggle between Jin and Hana, and I wonder what it would be like to experience feelings so easily. Deep inside, under all my crazy hormones and impulsiveness, there is a hopeless romantic wishing it could rise from the ashes.

"So, how long have you and Jin been dating?" I have been holding back this question every time we spend time together, and I can't hold it in anymore. I am dying for the scoop! I want to know what she is thinking behind the fond smiles she shares when I mention his name.

She looks surprised for a moment, but her face betrays her as a shy smile appears. She glances around the room to make sure nobody else is around, "Six months."

"I love this!" I reply excitedly, whispering to her and clapping my hands together.

Oh lord, have I picked up Hobi's hand-clapping habit? Haha! I guess I have!

"He is.....what is the word?" Her eyes shift upward as she searches her memory banks for an English word.

"World Wide Handsome?" I say, not being able to help myself. She chuckles at my joke, which makes me appreciate that she's fine with me being goofy.


"Considerate?" I ask.

"Yes! And nice, and quieter than people expect." Her eyes seem dreamily lost in some private memories, and I love how genuine her affection is for him.

"Do you date, Hobi?"

Now it's my turn to be shocked. It never dawned on me that people may observe how close Hobi and I have become and think we are secretly dating!

"Oh no," I shake my head. "He's like my best friend here. I don't date."

"No? date?"

"I guess I haven't found the right person yet." I shrug my shoulders.

"So you aren't dating anyone?" A voice interrupts us, and I notice a slight frown appear on Hana's face momentarily. Quickly, she replaces it with a forced smile while silently in the back of my mind, an alarm bell goes off.

"Minjun, how are you? I try to sound friendly, but I can't help but be disappointed that my female bonding time is being interrupted. "I didn't realize you speak English as well."

"I'm well. I understand English clearly, though, I choose not to speak it. Don't act like I didn't notice you haven't answered my question," he replies.

I glance over him. He is in a stylish pair of navy slacks with a crisp, white button-down, and as he casually brushes his hand through his dark locks. It dawns on me that most women would probably find Minjun quite attractive, and I can't help but wonder if spending so much time with the guys has caused me to set the bar too high, maybe, and so Minjun happens to fall spectacularly flat in comparison.

Am I being too hasty?

"No, I'm not dating anyone. I'm just so busy. You understand, right? The life of a producer doesn't leave much free time."

"I understand perfectly. Maybe that is why you should consider going out on a date with me," he smiles.

I'm not sure how to respond, but it doesn't matter because Minjun flashes me a confident wink and then slips away mysteriously.

"Sorry about that," I apologize to Hana, my cheeks turning a subtle shade of pink.

"You like Minjun?" Hana's words are careful, and she searches my face for an answer.

"I don't really know him, to be honest, but there's just no magic."


I explain in Korean, and Hana nods a knowing smile.

"With Jin, there is so much magic," she smiles widely, and I'm so happy she has let me in. I imagine it may be a relief to her as well since she can't freely talk about him with most people.

Magic, that's what I want, a mutual spark with someone. 

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