Chapter Thirty-Four

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Monday morning rolls around, and I'm already in my studio working on a punch list of items that I need to wrap up before my contract ends in two weeks.

I happily have lunch with Hana and then spend some time replying to emails. I meet with the management team at their request to add some insight into some new marketing ideas they have for when they travel to the states. Then I spend the rest of the morning working with two other producers on some of the final mixes for the new comeback.

When I finally return to my studio, it is getting late, but I know I should spare some time to start packing up some of the personal effects accumulated over my time working here. I grab one of the folded moving boxes I kept stashed away and slowly begin to pack.

I'm going to miss it here, but it's really time to move forward.

Light tapping on my door interrupts my thoughts, but I'm mid-packing, so I yell, "Come in!"

I receive a healthy dose of serotonin when Joon and JK enter, and I'm happy to see some friendly faces.

"Woah, Lily, what are you doing in here?" JK says, looking at the mess I've created.

"Ugh, I let myself bring too much stuff here! Next week is my last week. I'm going to pack a little bit each day so that I'm ready for the move back to my company."

"It's so weird to think of you not being here now," JK says with a pout.

"I know! I mean, how else are you going to try and communicate with Jae?" I tease.

Namjoon and I share a grin as we watch JK turn bashful and look down at the ground.

"It's okay; Jae is perfection. I know when I've been replaced," I tease. "If you're nice to me, I'll give you her nummmmberrrr."

"You would give me her number? Do you think she would mind if I contacted her?"

"Boy, you know I already checked with her. Here I'll send it to you right now." I tap into my phone and then pause before sending.

"One thing before I hit send. Do you promise to treat her right and not mistreat her even if things don't work out? She really is one of the best people I've ever known, and if you hurt her, I will kick the shit out of you!"

"Lily, I promise you will never need to kick the shit out of me."

I love that he just rolls with my threat even though he could bench press me in his sleep.

"Annndddd, you promise to be extra careful, so she doesn't end up on CCTV or anything weird that gets her death threats? You can't for one minute be careless with her!" I say, wagging a finger back and forth at him.

His face turns a deep shade of crimson with the knowledge he's had an unfortunate incident in the past. "I promise I will be careful," he says quietly.

"Okay, then," I smile and hit send.

I watch as his face lights up. He pushes his hand through his hair, already forming a plan. 

"Thanks, Lily! I need to run! Talk to you later!"

He zips out the door, practically skipping.

"Well, I guess he's done visiting with me!" I laugh, and Namjoon returns a smile

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"Well, I guess he's done visiting with me!" I laugh, and Namjoon returns a smile.

"So, now that we are alone, how are you? I was worried about you when I heard about what happened at the festival."

It's my turn to feel embarrassed. "Awe, thanks, Joon. I'm doing okay. It was a crazy day, and I'm so glad to put it all behind me. Thanks for being concerned," I say, looking down at the boxes.

"Well, just remember if you need to talk, my door is always open! So would you still like to go Namjooning? We could make plans for Saturday."

Joon looks handsome in a pair of black joggers with a double white line running down the outside of each pant leg. A white t-shirt accentuates his fit physique, and I have to pull my eyes away.

Tucked around his locks is a black skull cap, and he is perfect. I muse that he reminds me of the enlightened boyfriend with whom you would like to discuss the merits of Chaucer's work, Monet's portfolio, and the feminist movement and then afterward allow him to unabashedly fuck you into oblivion up against a wall.

I blush as my thoughts get away from me. I know he had practice today, and I consider how cute he must have looked dancing in this get-up.

You only think like this to try and erase your feelings about Yoongi. Not now, conscience!

"Yes, that would be perfect! I'm ready for a change of scenery. I should probably tell you upfront that I pushed my knee too far, and I'm not doing so great with the mobility piece."

"You know what, Lil? I'm so happy to have a partner in crime. We don't have to do anything fancy. How do you feel about leaving very early in the morning?"

"That's sweet," I smile. "I can't wait! I have no problems being up early. I'd also like to thank you for being one of the only people that didn't come to the festival the other day. Thank you for understanding the assignment."

"I respect you, not that the others don't. I just wanted to support you in the way that you requested. I'm still coming up with a plan, but I will let you know what time to be ready as soon as I work it out."

I respect you. The words hang in my mind like a billboard as I realize no man has ever said these words to me before.

We chat a bit more before we part ways. I reassure him that I'm looking forward to hanging out with him, and I mean it. Namjoon feels like a breath of fresh air after a crazy few weeks, and the thought of having someone I can talk to about books or art with feels like something I desperately need right now.

The fucking up against the wall could be nice as well. Oh my lord, I am the worst.

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