Finishing Touches

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Cardin : I want to fight him.

He said that while pointing directly at me.

Yu : You don't want me punk, After all you wouldn't want your friends to see you crying for your mommy.

He gritted his teeth and tightened his grip around his mace.

Cardin : Get down here right now i'm going to teach you not to mock me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and stood up.

Yu : Very well but remember i gave you the opportunity to back out, Don't cry when i win.

I walked down to the arena and took a relaxed stance with my hands behind my back and yawned. This only seemed to anger Cardin further.

Glynda : Where is your weapon Yu ?

Yu : I will not need one Professor please start the match.

Glynda : Very well .... BEGIN !

Cardin was so predictable as he charged at me straight away, I simply used flash step to instantly transport to his original starting position.

Yu : Over here boy. 

I said waving at him.

He turned and did the same thing again so i thought i should have some fun and activated a quirk.

Yu : Larceny.

He stopped a few seconds after i spoke and was looking around like he had lost something while i was chuckling to myself.

Yu : Looking for this ?

I said holding his weapon up for all to see, He was only getting more angry by the second but under the anger was something i knew very well FEAR.

Yu : Are you not going to attack me ? Oh i see you are helpless without your weapon, Very well i will return it to you.

I activated the quirk - Size, Just before i threw it to him and no sooner had he caught it the mace shrunk to the size of a pencil.

Yu : Oh look you have a very tiny weapon, But you must be used to that by now. 

I said pointing to his crotch, The room erupted in laughter even the usually composed Pyrrha, Ren And Weiss could be seen chuckling.

Yang : Oh my god i love you !!

She shouted so i turned and blew a kiss to her while releasing his weapon from my quirk's effect but at the same time activating a different one. And as predicted as soon as his weapon was back to it's original size he swung at the back of my head.

Cardin : What ??

He shouted in surprise as his mace went right through my head as if it wasn't even there. I deactivated Premeation turned and activated Explosion and blasted him to the other side of the Arena.

(A/N You are wearing your Hero costume which is made from your hair so your clothes don't fall off)

Yu : You didn't know who you were messing with boy, I have more power in one finger than your entire family has ever held collectively.

He was trying to stand so i waited and noticed some sort of energy around his body 'Hmm what's that ?'

(A/N - Yes you do not know about Aura as you have never been in a position for anyone to ask why you don't have one)

I was thinking it was time to end this in the most humiliating way i could think of 'his surrender'

Yu : Oh Cardin i had a question

I am YuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon