Chapter 18

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You know that feeling when you riding on your skates and you feel like you riding on air and the next thing. BAM!!!! You shit whipped on the ground. The air knocked right out of you. Well that's how I feel right now.

The air knocked right out of me and you know the funny thing. Darkness. That's all I saw the minute Lucas said those words. 'MINE'.

"What the hell?" I woke up only to find myself in my room. I was a little dazed and confused until I released I was in my room in the lake house. The door opened and Lucas came in. "No, no, no. This cant be happening again. please no." I just couldn't help it, the tears kept on coming. Lucas came close to me and hugged me. i cried onto his shoulder for like a second before we heard a growl from the door.

"MINE, DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS MINE" Kayla growled. Lucas let go of me and went up to her, hugging her instead. and there they went again, the tears. I think Kayla saw this because her eyes softened and she came towards me wrapping her arms around me.

"Kayla... it keeps happening." I said while i cried onto her nice blouse.

"What does she mean love" Lucas said from the door. once i heard him call her that the tears just poured out more.

"mmm i think it would be better if you leave Lucas." she said.

"What did i say." he said

"Just leave, trust me." I think he left cause i heard the door shut.

"Victoria, listen. look at me." I shook my head not being able to look her in the eyes.

"come on Vicky." she said while trying to lift my head up. I finally looked up after her multiple attempt.

"I feel stupid being jealous of you and your new mate. Its just that it keeps happening. I don't know what to do Kayla. Every time i decide to finally allow myself to fall in love with them, they automatically find their mate, leaving me heart broken and shattered. I honestly don't know what to do." The tears started again.

"Honestly if i said i knew just the right exact thing to tell you right now, i would be lying. But i think all i can say is we need to figure out what's happening. It is honestly getting way to deep and you getting hurt constantly doesn't help your wolf or your general health. We really need to find help." she said looking me straight in the eye and then smiling.

"And you know what?" she said standing up.

"What?" i said standing up alongside her.

"I'll be with you every step of the way." she said hooking her hand with mine. "we are in this together. best friends forever." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Kayla?" i spoke up after a few seconds of silence. "Ya?"

"Its ok to be normal with Lucas around me. I'll get over it the same way i got over Justin and Josh," I smiled at her.

"Are you sure?" she squeezed my hand. "I'm sure." We both smiled at each other and left the room, going downstairs. When we got there, the whole gang was there including Lucas. Kayla immediately went over to him and kissed him. Her action made everyone shocked.

"What the hell is going on here?" Josh asked.

I was the one to speak up. "Guys Lucas and Kayla are mates. real mates." There was a series of 'huhs' and 'whats' and gasps.

"Are you ok?" Justin asked me. "Its happening again Victoria, are you sure you fine with it?" Justin said with so much sympathy in his eyes. "Ya i'm fine." I said shrugging off the hand he had placed on my shoulder and going towards the fridge to get something to drink. Everyone staring at me including Kayla and Lucas.

"Really guys, its cool. Stop staring at me like that, its hella creepy." They all looked away and the next day i guess they all had a meeting while i wasn't there cause they were all acting normal like nothing had happened. I was thankful for that.


hi guys, sorry i haven't been updating often. University isn't easy and just next week i will be having tests that are really close to each other so my studying game has been on lock. 

This is just a short chapter for you to quench your thirst.

Hope you like it and please help me get to 10 000 reads, would really appreciate it. don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW ME.

I follow everyone back. mwah. thanks again.

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