Chapter 14

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"Hey Kayla" Its been two days now and i've been locked up in my room. Don't get me wrong I have been eating and all that jank but I haven't let Lucas see me. Surprisingly enough he had been knocking on my door every half hour in the past two days.

"Hey Vee bear, how you doing?" She basically shouted into the phone.

"Vee bear? The hell did that come from?" I was currently laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Ya girl I miss you so much. Its been two days and its mega hectic in this pack. plus my mate isn't even here." Kayla said

"Thats too bad." I got up to go look at myself in the mirror. I should really get some sleep. There were bags under my eyes and i looked way older than i am.

"So tell me girl did the hunk come with the rest of Alpha kale's pack?"

"Hunk? Lol you mean The next in line Alpha? No he didn't come. what's his name anyway?" By now i was sitting at my desk opening up my computer.

"I have no clue. apparently Alpha kale doesn't want to tell anyone that isn't that close to him."  I could hear shuffling on the other line.

"well that's odd. Anyway I need to tell you something"

"You sound serious. shoot"

"Ok so the beta of Alpha kale's pack is called Lucas right?"

"Mmmmm Lucas, right! that's a hot name, Is he as hot as his name?"

"Lol ya. he is mega fine. but the point is, he won't leave me alone. Two days ago when Justin found his mate-"

"WHAT!!! Justin his mate? i am so sorry girl. How did you take it?"

"Well at first I felt awful but then its his mate and i can't come between that. but then my dad called a family meeting telling us my youngest brothers found their mate. And then i lost it, I drank a whole 12 pack in the woods. you know the neutral territory. But then after a while this guy came towards me and i was a lil out of it so i started playing with his wolf and then the next thing i know i'm sober again and i'm in the arms of this mega hot guy who turns out to be the beta of Alpha kale's son. And then we start making out on a damn tree."  I explained not even realising that I am now in the kitchen getting a drink of water.

"Wow, that's tough. And this Lucas guy won't leave u alone after the kiss?"

"Ya. I don't know Kay. I really liked the kiss. It was way better than Josh and Justin's kisses." I took a sit on a bar stool.

"Wow then i say go for it."

"But Kay, He isn't my mate even though it sure as hell feels like he is but its not just complete."

"I don't know Vee, all i can say is give it a shot. Have fun before you find your mate. That's what I'm doing"

"But Kay. The problem is it feels like he is my mate but his not and that is what has been happening with Josh and Justin."

"I--kayla come here" I heard in the background and it sounded like her dad.

"Coming dad, I gotta go Vee, call you when I can."

"ok we'll talk later. Love you" I cut the line and heard a growl, making me jump. I was then pushed unto a kitchen counter behind me by Lucas.

"You will love no one but me." and next soft ass lips were on mine. I tried hitting his chest but he didn't even budge. He held my hands behind my back and kissed me harder. I found myself giving into the kiss. With one hand holding my hands he used his other to lift my legs up so I was now straddling him. I tried tugging my hands out of his so I could run my hands through his hair but he held it in place.

He stopped then looked me dead in the eye. "Now you know how i felt not being able to hold you these  past two days."

"You don't even know me.?" I said trying to catch my breath.

"I know but I feel in my heart that you mean something to me."

he started leaning in again for a kiss but then he was ripped away from me. 

"What the hell are you doing with my daughter" My dad was on top on Lucas punching the lights outta him. He was trying not to fight back but managed to block some attacks cause if he attacked that would be seen as a challenge and well my dad is alpha he could easily kill Lucas.

"Dad stop please." I tried pulling my dad away but he just knocked me back.

'Adrian, Victor. Kitchen now. Dad is going to kill him' i called my brothers through the link. Within minutes they pulled my dad off Lucas and my mum was trying to calm him down because he had his head in the crook of her neck.

"Oh my gosh, Lucas are you ok?" I ran over to Lucas. Lifting his head up so it was laying on my lap.


"Victoria Get away from him now." I looked at my dad and back at Lucas.

"Go to him. Dont want you to get in trouble." Lucas got up and might i add quite in pain.

"Go to your room now."

"But dad."

"i said NOW" He raised his voice at me.

"You know what NO."

"what" he took a step towards me.

"I am tired of living my life according to what everyone likes. I have been good. probably the best daughter that ever existed/exists. But through all this goodness I still get punished. Everyone has a mate Dad. For fuck's sake I just want a damn mate. So no dad I won't go to my room."

"Mind your tone with me pup. I don't care if you want your mate. It doesn't mean you should go around sleeping with every guy you see."

"What does that mean. Are you calling me a whore?"

"If that is what a girl that does those actions is called."

"Honey!!" My mum gasped looking at my dad in shock.

"You know what mum its fine. let him think whatever he wants. I'm leaving"  I started walking towards the door and Lucas was in tour.

"Come back here Victoria."

"Why dad. So you can call me a whore again." He slapped me. My dad slapped me. I heard a growl and realised it was me and Lucas growls. While my mum and brothers gasped.

I had way to much respect to fight my own dad. So i just started walking towards my room. But as I took a step I collapsed to the ground holding my stomach in pain.

"Honey honey stay with me. Please stay with me baby Girl. Come on Vee." I heard different voices telling me to stay. but if I stayed my pain will continue.

"I am so sorry Pumpkin" I heard my dad say. I managed to smile at both my dad and Lucas before I blacked out.


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