Chapter 22

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We all growled and slammed into the doors. Surprisingly there were no guards at the front door. Some wolves went up the stairs and I decided to go down another set of stairs that lead to what i'm guessing is the basement. Danny was right behind me. Why is he following me? Don't get me wrong, I love that his close to me but I can protect myself. I don't need him breathing down my neck.

I turned around and snarled at him. He raised one of his cute Wolfy eyebrows. Oh that was so cute. My wolf and I melted at that. I think he saw that we were making googly eyes at him cause he gave like a Wolfy grin. Creepy but so cute. He moved closer to me but stopped. He sniffed the air and I did too. The foul stench. Rouges.

He howled informing the others. Its an ambush, they knew we were coming. They knew. Just then we heard like 50 wolves growl and they weren't from our pack. Danny and I immediately darted back up the stairs. And I was right, there were a lot of rouges. Even outside the doors there were more. They easily outnumbered my pack. Crap. Another howl from what seemed like the leader of the rouges. Soon they were all attacking. Crap crap crap. Time to fight Vicky. This is what you trained for.

While I was still prepping myself a wolf lunged at me. Rude much I was still thinking of ways to kill you. I easily moved out of the way and pounced on him, ripping out his throat. Haha amateur. I kept on fighting with Danny constantly interjecting by ripping one or so wolves apart before they got to me.

He was a really good fighter. Amazing actually, almost up to my skills. I looked over my shoulders to check up on my dad and like a true alpha he was ripping those scumbags apart. Go dad. I continued until I heard I faint cry. Well not a cry but like a faint help.

'Did you hear that' I said through the mindlink absent minded at Daniel. Like he would hear me, his not even from my pack.

'Did I hear what? Wait what the... I can hear you through the link, how is that possible?' He said looking at me in shock. Even his shock face is so cute.

'Mmm I heard that.' He said giving one of those Wolfy grins again.

'How, how can you?' He suddenly lunged at me, well above me to fight off a wolf that was about to attack me. 'We'll talk about it later' he said as he fought off the wolf. Just then, I heard the faint cry again.It was coming from the basement. I made my way to it. I tried sniffing the air but nothing. I heard it again. I made my way further down the stairs. Then I saw him. I think it was him.

I tried my new thing of talking to anyone through mindlink and low and behold it worked.

' hi, are you Alpha Kale's son?' I said a bit cautious of him even though he looked like he was dying from all the silver strapped to him and the fact that he was in a cage.

"How are you in my head? Who are you?" Since I couldn't talk and I didn't want to talk through the link since I have to basically shot down my defenses I went behind a wall and changed back to my human form and put on the clothes that were around my legs. I came from behind the wall.
" Hi, i'm Victoria Black daughter of.." I tried to continue but he interrupted.

"Daughter of Alpha George, the strongest Alpha to ever live." He said. "Mmmm ya, that's me. Mmm okay i'll try to get you out." I looked around for the keys and I found them on a hook by the basement door." 'Thank you stupid rouges for not knowing how to be a bad guy' I whispered. He laughed at that. I looked up at him and smiled. He is pretty good looking. I got the door opened and all the silver chains and whatnot. Surprisingly I'm not that affected by the silver, by now I should be as weak as him but i'm not.

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