Chapter 11

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Its basically been 2 weeks now since my last kiss with Josh and word is some members of Alpha Kale's pack will be arriving today. The whole pack house is in a frenzy. Girls are hoping Alpha kale's son will arrive today and let me tell they are in chaos. Make up everywhere, outfits of all sorts are scattered all over the pack house like literally every unmated she wolves are trying to make themselves Pretty emphasis on the word "pretty". In my opinion they just loom like clowns with tons of makeup on their faces and i am ashamed to say My bestest friend Kayla is part of them.

"Hy bae" I turned looked up from my comfy seat in the TV room to look at Justin.

"Bae? Since when do you call me that?" I moved over so he could seat next to me.

"Since now." He picked my up so I was sitting on his lap. Two girls came into the TV room shouting at each other about a stolen dress. I couldn't help but snicker. After a few minutes they left the room still shouting.

"Wow" I burst out laughing after they left.

"This house has gone crazy. You should see the guys running after their girlfriends, its hilarious." I couldn't help but laugh out loud even more with what Justin said. I can literally imagine guys running after their girlfriends saying stuff like 'bbe plz don't leave me' or some junk like that.

"I'm lucky you're not one of those girls. You are staying right here with me. Or..." I stopped laughing at what Justin suggested.

"No Justin. Ww are not doing anything but watch TV today-" he whined at that and i couldn't help but kiss him.

"Seriously these girls aren't even sure if his coming today. What if he doesn't show up?"

"That would be a sight to see" Justin said laughing.

"Yah" He started leaning in only focusing on my lips, and i found myself doing the same.

"Victoria, get your skinny behind up here" My mum shouted through the mindlink. I swear my mum is something else. I mean what kind of mum swears at her kid.

"Gotta go my mum needs my" I got off Justin and made my way to my room where my mum was and left a whimpering Justin behind. Too bad lover boy.

"Wassup m..... MUM! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" My room was a complete mess. Clothes and shoes were littered all over the floor.

"Why aren't you getting ready for the arrival of the rest of Alpha kale's pack, especially for his son." She turned away from my closet to look at me.

"I am already dressed my hair is done and i have cloths on so I'm fine. Besides who cares about the soon to be Alpha's arrival." Honestly though its like she's forgotten i kinda have a man.

"You look terrible honey.... At least dress up a bit" I deadpanned right there. Well thanks mom for making me feel pretty.

"I'm fine mum. I don't need to dress up, besides there is a chance he won't arrive today."

"I know honey bit what if he does and his your you know.... mate? You have to atleast try to look presentable. Please honey for me." My mum giving me the whole puppy eye thingy is weird but hey she's my mum and I'd do anything for her.

"Ok fine" She squealed and threw a dress at me.

"There, go put that on" I went into the bathroom and slipped into the dress. It was a cute dress and ended just above the knees. It was a one strap dress that hugged me around the waist and flowed from the waist down. My mum did my hair and makeup, keeping the make up natural just the way i liked it. By the time we were down my dad announced that the rest of the pack had entered our territory.

We made our way to the front door of the pack house where girls were standing around waiting to see if Alpha kale's son was with them. My mum and dad were at the bottom steps, while Adrian, Victor and I were on the step behind them and Alpha Kale was on the step behind us with his wife and son.

Minutes later and we started seeing people emerging from the trees. Alpha kale went forward and stood beside my dad while his pack got closer. I don't know why bit my eyes started roaming the new pack members to see if Alpha Kale's son was among them. But there was no sign of him.

'I knew it.' I thought. Every one looked at me and soon realised i said that out loud. Really loud. "Oops sorry"

"Where is my son?" Alpha kale asked a man who looked to be in his late 20s.

"Alpha..." He bowed his head in respect before continuing. "He had to help some of the weaker members sir. Those who couldn't make it today and were to slow and weak. He decided to take care of them rather than leaving them put there to perish."

I looked over at Alpha kale to see pride flash over his face at the fact that his son cared enough to care for these people. Other Alphas would have abandoned them as they would be too weak to be part of the pack, but his son wasn't like that.

I didn't know I had spoken until the words left my mouth. "How many are they?" Everyone looked at me and i mean everyone.

"There are about 13. Including The soon to be Alpha" He bowed a little before turning back to Alpha Kale. Adrian shoved my side with his shoulder. I looked up at him and he mouthed a 'Wat the hell?' I just shrugged and went inside to go change but not before taking in the disappointed looks of all the she-wolves. Too bad they all got excited for nothing.

I made it my room and was about to take my dress off when I spotted the person I've been meaning to talk to in forever.



Hi guys thanks for the reads and votes. But still no comments. That makes me sad😢


Follow me I follow back everyone that follows me and i mean everyone. Thanks again and please comment your thoughts😊

This chapter is dedicated to Pikachu_is_life934 for being the first person to comment on the book. Thanks😘

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