Chapter 6

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I dont know what came over me but everything in me was telling me to kiss.

I  had followed Victoria, my brother and their friend Kayla to burger kings. I couldnt take it anymore, All I could think about the whole day in school was Victoria. It was like my whole body was begging for her, I just wanted her, it was like I was in heat which is weird coz I aint a she-wolf.

Anyway I followed her after school to talk to her. I just had to if i didnt want to go crazy.

"Hey Victoria can we talk?" She looked soo scared when I asked her that. Woah did I seriously make her fear me that much. She agreed to talk and I ushered her towards the back of the building away from ear shots. She looked scared to death like I was going to rape her or something, It was pretty funny seeing her like that and I just smiled and kept staring at her face.

"Please don't kill me, I am sorry about what happened in the hall, I didnt mean to bump into you in front of your friends, oh and I didnt tell anyone about the other night, not even Kayla or Justin knows. I promise not to tell please just dont kill me"

"Shhhhh you're rambling"  I put my hand over her mouth cause she was rambling.

"Gosh you're so beautiful" I continued staring at her beauty. She quickly shifted her eyes to me as if shocked at me calling her beautiful and she is. She had da most beautiful hair. Black as night and her eyes they are just the most beautiful shade of green mixed with blue and it changes colour according to the light in the room and right now it was more green than blue and had fear in them.

"Listen I'm really sorry about what happened in the halls today. I didnt mean to be so mean-" I paused to see if she was listening or going to say anything. Since she wasnt going to I continued.

"-Well its just that my friends were there and I have a reputation to keep and and well basically all I'm saying is that I'm sorry." I looked at her again waiting for her response and when she didnt say anything I started getting pissed.

"Well aren't you going to say something" I saw her move her eyes from my face towards the direction of her mouth and then to my again. Then I realized I had still had my hand over her mouth.

"Oh sorry" I let go of her mouth.

"Mmmm A-a-apo-logy accepted I guess" She stuttered

"Victoria you don't have to be scared of me" I said trying to ease her a little.

"Well you haven't given me reason not to be" She spat out with venom in each word. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry I didn't mean to-"  I cut her off knowing she was right.

"You are completely right, I have been acting like a complete jerk to you ever since I or should I say we could remebre and I am really sorry but there is a reason for every action and I know my reason even though you don't know it, Yet."

"Then why don't you tell me the reason if its not just you hating me." Immediately she said that I almost lost it, I growled. I dont know why I did but I did. for some reason I and my wolf were pissed at teh fact of her thinking we could hate her.

"I don't hate you, I can never hate you, I am just really stupid." It was like I was in a trance, I cupped her cheek and started leaning in to her face, "You're perfect" I said as I was about to kiss her only keeping my sights on her pink almost red lips.

"Yho Victoria we about to leave are you coming" Her friend Kayla called out to Victoria.

She quickly opened her eyes and looked towards Kayla. I guess she wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss her.

"I'm coming" she said to Kayla. When she turned to me I noticed she was really red. I smirked and kissed her on the cheek. She became even more red.

"Its ok you can go I'll call you" She opened her mouth but nothing else came out lol she was lost for words. She just nodded and went in. I just smiled to myself and started my walk to somewhere.


Arrrrggghhhhh Kayla ruined such a perfect moment. I dont know \why but I really wanted Josh to kiss me but with Kayla basically screaming Victoria I guess it never happened.He kissed me and said he was going to call me. I dont think I have ever blushed so much in my life before.Now I'm in my room waiting for him to call. What in the world are we going to talk about.

I got one less problem without you

I got one less problem without you

My ringtone 'Problem by Ariana Grande and Iggy Azalea' Oh gosh its Josh what am I going to say. Hold up where did he get my numbers. Anyway I picked up the phone

"Ollo" I face palmed myself, why the hell did I say that like the megamind cartoon I only say it when I talk to family and friends over the phone. I heard laughter over the phone. Atleast he finds it funny.

"Hey, How you" He even answers the phone awesomely.

"Mmmmm I'm good and you"

"I'm cool thanks for asking" The phone went silent for a moment, talk about awkward.

"Mmmmm how did you get my numbers, If you dont mind me asking"

"Oh I got it from your brother's phone when he wasn't looking"




"I am just going to say it, its awkward isnt it"

"Yah I know but we can make it work, I mean we were friends for like a while and we used to talk all the time"

"I know, I wonder what happened with us?" After that the conversation started flowing and we kept on talking for the whole night. It was really fun and he asked me out. I was really shocked at first but I ended up saying yes, everything was telling me to say yes even my wolf and thats not even her mate. I swear weird things are happening to me and my wolf. I need to remeber to ask my mum and da about that. Maybe they have answers, right now i have to think of what to wear to the date even though it is 2 weeks from now. With that I went to bed.


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