Chapter 9

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Its now monday which means first period is Mathematics. Can someone please kill me? Right now Kayla, Justin and I are under the tree, our usual spot and Justin is basically glued to my back and his face is buried in my neck.

"Can you please get off me Justin?" I said trying to push him off me. He didn't even budge instead he pulled me impossibly close, making me blush.

"You know this is really weird. I mean the two of you. How the hell did this happen?" Kayla said gesturing to the two of us.

"Just go get your own guy and leave me and my mate alone" I had to do a double take on that statement.

"What but but I am not your mate" I said turning around to meet his eyes.

"I know but I feel something with you V. Its like I can't live without you. And I've had this feeling ever since I could remember." I had to try hard not to blush but obviously with me being me I couldn't help it. Justin noticed and kissed my cheeks.

"You look adorable when you blush." I hid my face in his chest making me feel the vibration of his chuckle which just made me blush even more.

"Hey don't hide that blush from me" He picked my head up and we just stared into each other's eyes I didn't even notice our faces were barely inches from each others.

"Ewww guys get a room" Kayla said making gaging noises at us.

"We should be the ones talking Kayla, oh hi Newman" I said waving at the jock who already attached himself to Kayla and nibbling her ear.

The bell rang indicating the beginning of Maths class. I groaned but started walking towards class with Justin while Kayla made her way to her physics class with Newman.

"Hey how is Josh anyway I haven't heard from him since Saturday" I blushed a little remembering waking up to a very naked Justin. Justin tensed up next to me beside me, squeezing my hand tightly.

"Justin Justin you you're hurting me" I said trying to get my hand free from his tight hold.

"Don't ever talk about him again." Ge turned to look at me with cold eyes but it softened when he realised he was hurting me.

"I'm sorry V i didn't mean too, its just that You dated him and I don't like it when you talk about him you are mine only mine."

"But Justin we are not mates, you you will find your mate soon and then leave me with a broken heart just like Josh did."

"But i am not like Josh. Victoria I-I I really love you." My head snapped up at him.


"I love you Victoria" He leaned in and kissed me. Passionately. We pulled away and when i was about to reply the bell rang again which means we had to get to class immediately. Maths was a blur all I could think about was what Justin said. He loves me? How can he love me? More importantly do I love him. I mean his my best friend and I love him but I don't know if i love love him. But what the hell. I get this feeling whenever i am around him so i guess its love. I poked Justin beside me in Physics class.

"Yah bbe" He said looking away from the board and to me. I blushed a little at the sound of him calling me babe.

"I love you too" I smiled at him and he had a ever growing smile.


"Yes" He screamed, pulled me up from my seat and kissed me. Causing a very weird audience including the teacher.

" Justin, Victoria would you stop that nonsense and focus or that's going to be detention."

He planted a last kiss on my cheek before we sat down. Well this is going to be a pretty clingy lovey dovey day.



I can't believe she said she loves me too. Thats freaking awesome. I could barely contain my excitment. It was the middle of class and i picked her up and was kissing her all over her face before the teacher ruined the moment. I gave a last kiss on the cheek before settling back down. I couldn't help smiling. I bet I looked like a frigging idiot.

I don't know when I started liking Victoria more than a friend but it was pretty strange. I had all the feelings people said you have when you find your mate. I can't even get her out of my mind or evwn stop touching her. I smiled when I remembered Saturday morning.

We had sex the night before and to be honest I remembered all of it even though i pretended to have forgotten everything. It was amazing being with her, I know I should feel bad about that cause I took her virginity that very night but hey she is mega hot and how can i resist a booty call from her although it felt right with her but not completely.

I sensed my you know what becoming hard thinking of when I saw her naked. I shifted uncomfortably. Victoria glanced over at me noticing my discomfort. She smiled at me before she looked forward to focus on whatever the hell the teacher was talking about.

I coupdnt restrain myself anymore. I slide my hand under the desk and onto Victoria's lap. She tensed up a little. I started moving my hands upwards. She looked at my hands and then at me.

"What the fudge are you doing" She tried moving her legs but I grabbed it. She should never move away from me.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear "I need you V" I grabbed her hand and put it on my growing bulge under my jeans. She gasped with just made me smile. I don't wanna brag but i'm pretty big. I moved my hand slowly up and down her thighs. She was getting wet I could smell it. Shit i need to stop. Other male wolves in the class must have smelt her too cause their heads started snapping towards our direction.

I moved my hands away quickly. "This isn't over V" The bell rang but i waited for the class to be empty before I took V's hand and lead us out of the class. I waited until every other student were in class before I dragged Victoria to the back of the school a secluded area. No student including teachers come to this part of the school.

"Justin what are we doing here? How are do you know here?" She was looking around the area. I am the only person who knows this place. I come here all the time whenever I don't feel like classes. Victoria is the only girl and person that I have ever brought.

"Mmmmm a lil secret" I didnt give her a second to reply. I pushed her against the wall and started kissing her. Gosh her lips are so soft. I asked her for entrance but she denied me. I smirked and grabbed her butt causing her to gasp and I took that opportunity and let me tell you her taste is just amazing. I grabbed her thighs and lifted her up so she was straddling me. This is a good day for me cause she is wearing a skirt.

I started kissing down her neck making her moan and that just made me get hard.

"Say you want me V" I just want to hear her say it.

"Justin we we can't-" I bit down on her soft spot which I found that friday night causing her to moan.

"Say you want me"

"Justin I-I-I"

"Say it"

"I want you Justin, I want you real bad" And that was all it took for me to rip off her panties.



Its kind of awkward walking around without any panties on. After Justin basically ripped it off. He almost ripped off my clothes but I cant walk around naked. Gosh that dude was thirsty and I thought only girls get thirsty.

I am currently sitting in the last class and no I don't have class with Justin thank goodness or else we would have you know but more like he would have. Kayla is sitting next to me at the back of the class making out with Newman.

"Yho kayla get a freaking room, you going to make me sick" She stopped making out with him and I see him frown. Ewww dude you in class like seriously.

"You should be the one talking. Everyone is basically talking bout you and Justin sneaking off together." I was really shocked. Great just great now people are going to think i am some kind of slut for dating my ex's brother.


"Yah dude" Great. Just great.

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