Chapter 8

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"Hy family" I took my bath and went downstairs, it was the weekend which means no school and Kayla and Kayla and Justin are coming over.

"Well you seem happy" Victor said giving me wink

"Shouldnt you be with your mate dorkward"

"She went out she'll be back soon"

"Honey I haven't seen this happy in ages" My mum said from the sink.

I just smiled thinking of Josh's kiss. How can i feel this way with a guy that isn't my mate?

"Hey earth to Vicky"

" hy get your hands out my face" I said swatting Adrian's hand away from my face.

"As long as yall guyz didnt go beyond kissing am cool"

"What if i say we did" Adrians eyes immediately went dark.

"Woah chilax bro nothing happened we just kissed, jeez" My dad was the one to growl this time. We all looked at him.

"You my baby girl so dont talk about you kissing some boy if you don't want to find him dead in a ditch" I went over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Love you papa" His eyes softened immediately. He loved it when I called him papa, apparently it reminds him of when Veronica and i were little and we'd call him papa.

The door opened and Kayla and Justin came running in. Being who Kayla was she screamed.

"Omg gal spill the dits"

"Kayla.!!!!" I said looking over at my dad, who looked like he was about to rip her head off for disrespecting him.

"Oh my. Sorry Good morning Alpha" She said bowing her head same as Justin.

"Oh don't mind him sweety you can go up to Victoria's room, i know you dying to here how things went, They kissed!" Justin growled for some unknown reason.


"Sorry" We went up to my room while my dad and Adrian went to some meetin and Victor went to hang out with his mate, lord knows what they do but i have my guesses (wink wink). I explained every detail of the date to Kayla but for some reaaon Justin left in the middle of the conversation saying he had to go see some girl. I felt weird about him being with another girl but maybe its just because he has too many and his my best friend.

Anyway I explained the whole thing to Kayla and she was occasionally squealing screaming and saying awwww from time to time. We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon hanging out without Justin but it was cool cause he called and said he was ganna be with the girl all day which also made me uneasy. Josh came over and we in the afternoon which was why Kayla left. At first i didnt know how to act but later on it was awesome we couldnt keep our hands off eachother and lips.

He left later in the evening and I went to help my mum with dinner before everyone came home. Dinner was as usual we talked and stuff.


"Honey get ready they'll soon be here"

"Coming" Today was the day that the other pack (Clear horizon pack) would be coming to stay with us and move into our territory as a way of expanding our forces and keeping peace.

Josh and I had been going strong and even though it has been only a month he told me he loved me. How did I react you say well I didnt just tell him I loved him in fact I don't think I do, but I do know I really like him and it seems like my heart is complete but i still have a little piece/space that was there. My emotions are everywhere I am so confusef. And thay was what I told him.

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