Chapter 8 part 2

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I woke up the morning after the party with a strange headache and a really strong urge to pee. I tried moving off the bed but I couldn't.

"What the ...." There was a hand around my waist and it was then I heard the light snores. I looked to see who it was.

"Oh no no no no no" I removed his hand around my waist and stood up as quickly as I could, realising that i was stark naked. I quickly grabbed the sheets but that was a bad idea because he was also naked and gosh his butt. (Get your mind out the gutter V)

"What did we do Justin" I said trying to look at his face and not his u know what.

"Oh shit, Victoria?" He said putting on his shorts that was on the floor.

"What did we do?" I asked again in complete shock.

"What happened last night?" I remember Kayla persuading us to go to a night club because of what happened with Josh. I was reluctant at first but agreed. So Kayla, Justin and I went to the club and I did a few shots and a guy tried hitting on me but Justin was very protective. Mmmm I danced with Justin and we did a few more shots and then and then..... Arrrrgghhh that's all I remember.

"Victoria, I need to tell you something?" I looked towards Justin. Telling him to carry on.

"Mmmm Victoria we had mmmmm we had sex" He said rubbing the back of his neck with a slight blush. If I wasn't so shocked and mad I would have thought that was totally adorable.

"No shit Sherlock.... Omg I slept with you. You you're my ex's brother, you my best friend" I said as realisation finally hit me in the face.

"No one has to know V"

"Mmmmm I have to go" I said grabbing my cloths and going into the bathroom. When I got back Justin was already dressed and pacing back and forth.

"Listen Justin we don't have to make things awkward"

"I know but I can't explain it Victoria. I-I-I can't help the way I feel about you" he said walking towards me.

"Justin you can't have feelings for me. We-we're friends and i dated your brother"

"I can't help it" He already had me pinned to the wall and was inching his face closer to mine.

"Just-Justin" By now his face was literally less than an inch away from mine. Oh gosh he is going to kiss me. I tried looking away but I couldn't, it was like i was meant to kiss him, and that was exactly what I did. The kiss was absolutely awesome. Way better than Josh's kiss. Before the kiss could get anymore intense. Josh came barging in.

"Yho bro I need to ask....... What the-"

"Get out now" I looked too Justin and his eyes were pitch black. What the hell is he mad about its not like we're mates. I looked towards Josh and his eyes were also black What the hell is going on. He has a mate why is he mad. Before I knew it Josh and Justin were on each other about to rip each others heads off. I quickly mind linked Adrian.

Me- Adrian hurry come over to Josh's house.

A- What? Why?

Me- Coz they about to rip each other to pieces, that's why.

A- I'm on my way, Wait what are you doing there? How did you get there?

Me- mmmmmmmm just come over here. I'll explain later.

I cut off the mindlink and tried pulling Justin and Josh apart but ended up being hit in the gut. That would have hurt a lot or probably knock me the hell out if i was a human. Thank goodness coz Adrian came running in the next minute to separate them.

"Stop now" Adrian said using his alpha tone.

They immediately stopped fighting and bowed their heads.

"Now can someone tell me what's going on with you two or should i say three Victoria"

"It was his fault he was kissing her...... he walked in on me and my girl" They both said in unison.

"One at a time.... Hold up."

"First of all Josh you found your mate so why would you get jealous over Justin and V, second WTF Justin you and my sis are best friends how is she your girl?" Adrian was already getting pissed at Justin coz he doesn't like when boys are around me. Lets just say over protective.

"Adrian" I said speaking up.

" Victoria go home I will deal with you later" Adrian said with his eyes still glued on Justin.

"But but" I didn't want Justin to get hurt.

"Leave now" He said using his alpha tone.

"Fine" I said walking out the door. Wait I don't have a ride home. I walked back up to Justin's room to find WTF All three of them playing video games. Da fuck just happened. They all turn to me.

"What the hell, I was gone like literally 5seconds how the hell....." I said looking at all three of them. My bro and Josh had a some what plain expression while Justin had love in his adorable eyes. Da hell.

"I thought i said go home V" Adrian said getting up and stalking towards me.

"I don't have a ride idiot" I said standing my ground.

"Aarrrgghhh where the hell is your car anyway?"

"Idk Kayla's maybe" I said shrugging.

"Fine Lets go"

"Ok bye Josh bye Justin" Adrian was already half way down the stairs staring at me as i said goodbye to the boys.

"Woah woah woah woah woah" I looked towards Justin to see standing up and rushing towards me as I was about to go down the stairs.


"Don't I get a kiss?" Justin said while hooking both his hands around my waist and spinning me around so my back was facing a wall.

"Mmmmm" was all that came out of me. My face was probably as red as a tomato.

"That's what I thought" I couldn't say anything cause the next thing, Justin had me pinned against the wall with his lips firmly on mine. I resisted at first coz well my brother was literally probably starring daggers at Justin and I and Josh was at the door frame doing the same thing. But then wat the hell, I kissed Justin and like before it was awesome. It started off slow but then got heated real fast and the next thing I know a moan escapes my lips. First, Justin had lifted me up and his bare chest on me didn't help a lot and he had managed to snake his hand under my shirt. When he heard me moan he groaned and jerked his hip causing me to moan again.

"Ok ok ok" Justin was ripped off me and I immediately felt cold. I whimpered.

"Da fuck Adrian" I said feeling really angry and deprived of what was mine.

"I don't want to see you make babies" I blushed when he said that and Justin winked at me.

" Ok lets go" I looked over at Josh to see him walking away, probably to his mate. Where is she anyway? Anywho I waved one last time to Justin and Adrian and I made our way home.


Sorry i know short chapter but I had to quickly update just have something up you know.

Please please please VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE especially VOTE AND COMMENT, I motivates me to write and lets me know that yall guys are into the book. Oh and sneak peek into next chapter guess who starts dating.

please also FOLLOW ME. I Love yall and thanks to the over 3000 read I love and appreciate all of yall. Thanks😊😘 So VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE.

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