Chapter 14 - Sealing The Deal

Start from the beginning

"Ohm! You are drunk. Let's talk tomorrow."

Again my attempt to get up was futile. He pulled me back near him and made me sit beside him. One hand over my shoulder now.

"C'mon my friend. Am I not worth sharing your good news with? You guys became official right? I am sooooo happy for you."

I looked at him, upset.

"If I date him, will you be happy?"

"Of course I will always be happy to see you happy."

If this doesn't concern him then why is he like this today? Have I been misreading him? Doesn't it bother him at all?

"Then why are you drunk today?" I asked.

"Because I am sad." His expressions changed. His eyes got a little teary.

I would lie if I say I didn't feel bad looking at him that way. I wanted to hold him. Hug him. Console him.

"Why are you sad?"

"Because I lost you. I was too late to enter your life. Isn't it? From the beginning I had no chance right?"

Stunned, I watched him laughing and crying at the same time. My eyes getting teary too. But he then said.

"You don't worry though. I am happy for you. I like you too much to hold a grudge. You have my blessings."

Ohm's POV:

It is all hazy. And I can't see him properly. Coz my eyes are teary. But I am trying my best to not make a scene. I want him to know that I can be a better person too. I will be happy for him. I will not bound him to this contract. No matter what my heart desires. I once spiked his drinks and got his life tangled with mine. But not anymore. I won't make mistakes that will make him suffer.

And I even confessed what I feel. It was that simple. I just had to say this to Nanon sincerely. But I couldn't say it because I was thinking about everyone and everything except for a fact that I like Nanon. I like him much more than my sanity can take.

I looked at him and he was sad. Maybe I made him sad by saying this shit. So I smiled.
"You don't worry though. I am happy for you. I like you too much to hold a grudge. You have my blessings." I said.

"What did you say? You like me?" He asked.

"I do. I like you... A lot."

He looked at me for a while before asking again.

"And you are blessing me to be happy with Rith?"

I couldn't hold my tears. I simply nodded, choked.

Something in his expressions changed. He doesn't look sad now. He looks rather angry. He got up and looked at me.

"Blessings? You are giving me your blessings? How dare you? What do you think of yourself? I don't need your blessings."

Tripping clumsily, I somehow managed to get up and stand across him.

"Do you hate me that much?"

He looked at me and took a deep breath.

"You don't know anything. Nothing."

"What do you mean?"

He looked away. This is so frustrating. He always chooses to keep quiet. Never finishes the conversation. I walked near him and turned his face towards me. "I asked what do you mean?"

He held me by my collar. "Ohm Pawat, you think you can decide everything for me and I will always agree? You decided to spike my drink, you decided to be nice to me, you decided to change yourself for adjusting with me, you decided to make me addicted to our coffee breaks, you decided to share meals with me and now you even decided what my happiness is?"

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