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We take pictures all together, but Alexia is nowhere to be seen. I try to look around, but she must be with the journalists because I can't find her.

"She's a busy woman." Jenni whispers in my ear hugging from behind. "Get used to it, little one."

"That's the perks of being the Best, I guess." I lean against Jennifer's chest and put my hand and the arm she wrapped around my shoulder. "Are you okay, Jenni?"

"I'm having a hard time. I'm not going to lie." She admits.

"Tired of being at the second place?" I wonder.

"It's not against Ale, and honestly I don't even want to be in her shoes, but I wish people notice more of my work, you know?" She sighs. "That's why I wanted to thank you."

"What for?" I chuckle.

"You run to me, not her, after we scored." She explains.

"It was your action, your idea." I smile. "It was only fair."

"It helps getting better, just so you know." She kisses my temple and I nod showing her I understand.

We don't have to talk that much to understand each other, she is really loud and outspoken about a lot of things, but when it comes to real subjects, we are the same person. Shy, introvert, burying our feelings deep down inside.

"It'll be okay."

"Guys!" Claudia calls us. "Come take pictures with us."

We smile to each other and join our friends. We celebrate for a bit more before going to the locker room. Once I'm ready, I sit next to Leila and put my head on her shoulder. She plays with my hair and caresses my cheek protectively.

"Are you tired, Worldie?" She asks and I nod. "We won't stay up too much tonight then."

"Thank you." I whisper tiredly.

"Are you going to see the Levante's girls?" She wonders.

"Yeah, Sandie and Viola are waiting for me." I explain. "I just wanted to warn Ale, but she is busy."

"I see, just go, I'll tell her." She offers.

"You're sure?" I wonder.

"Go." She chuckles and I stand up quickly.

I take my things and join my friends outside the locker room. Once they see me, Viola and Sandie run to me and we hug crazily.

"Oh, I've missed you, mates." I admit tightening my grip around them.

"What about us, Worldie?" Alba and Irene walk to us with a big smile.

"Oh, my friends!" I hug them too. "Ready to win tomorrow?"

"Without you, it's going to be hard." Irene chuckles. "But we'll try our best so we can beat your ass in the final."

"As if it could be something." I joke around, and Sandie hits my arm.

"Don't be mad." I wink at her, and she glares at me playfully.

"Yeah, don't be mad at her for being great." Virginia joins us dressed in her Atletico outfit. "She can't help it."

"Not even on purpose." I raise my hands, and she laughs. "It's so good to see you back in a football outfit."

"It's good to be back." She says while hugging me. "Who would have thought we will be standing here today? Sandie, Victoria and me, after all we've been through."

"Can't decide if it was the best or the worst period of my life." Sandie chuckles.

"Oh, I know." I laugh and they join me getting the attention of the entire crowd around us.

"If they only knew..." Virginia chuckles.

"Know what?" I feel two arms circling my neck from behind and I automatically relax at the sound of Alexia's voice.

"You don't want to know." Virginia teases and Alexia tenses up.

"Virg..." I sigh and she winks at me. "There is nothing much to know, babe."

"Yes, sure." Alexia says unconvinced mainly because of Sandie and Virginia looks. "We'll discuss that later..." She whispers in my ear so only I can hear.

"Good goal, Ale." Alba smiles.

"I had a little help." Alexia kisses my temple softly.

"Where did you get the inspiration, Worldie?" Irene wonders.

"At training with Patri and Ale." I chuckle. "But we did it in Levante too, right?" I look at Viola and she nods. "See, I don't forget about you, guys."

"I'll see that on February 2nd." Sandie smirks. "Don't forget we beat Barcelona last time."

"But I was with you, it changed everything." I wink at her.

"Unfortunately, too true." Alba sighs. "See you, Worldie."

We all hug and Virginia takes some time to talk to Alexia, so I am waiting for her. I take time to look around me, I see Claudia talking to a girl, who is not Patri, they look close. I really don't understand a thing here. Either Leila is getting mad for nothing, or Claudia is not being correct with Patri, either way, I need to talk to Patri.

"What are you looking at?" Alexia joins me.

"Claudia." I admit. "I don't understand a thing."

"Me neither." Alexia chuckles. "But we have something else to talk about, babe."

"What is it?" I frown a bit not liking the sound of it.

"The things you don't want me to know." She raises her eyebrows.

"It has nothing to do with you, I just don't want to get remembered of that period of my life." I confess.

"Let's walk." Alexia leads me softly to the exit. "Why don't you want to talk about it?"

"It was just the worst period of my life, I did nothing good, and as much as it makes Virginia laugh, I am ashamed of the things I did." I look down.

"Is it that bad?" She wonders.

"I don't think you would have fallen for the person I was, so it's definitely bad enough for me to hide it from you."

"Virginia told me something though." Alexia informs me and I sigh.

"Great... whatever it is I am sorry you had to find out like this." I look down.

"She told me to trust you." Alexia lifts my chin. "That you had taken time to discover the darkest parts of your heart already, and now you know who you want to be. She told me you are an incredible person with a lot of love to give, but you just have to give it to the right person."

"Let me guess." I chuckle trying to prevent the tears from falling. "She hopes you will be the one."

"Better, she knows I'm the one..." Alexia takes me in her arms. "She means the world to me, if she thinks we are meant for each other, nothing could make me change my mind."

"Really?" I look at her like a little kid.

"You say it yourself, we are in for a long journey, and if there is anything you want me to know, I'll be happy to hear all about it." She states.

"Without getting mad or scared?" I carefully ask.

"Well, I might be harsh on the one you were, but it'll never change what I am feeling for the one you are." She kisses my forehead.

"Did I tell you how lucky I am to have you?"

"We are both very lucky, trust me." She chuckles and we kiss lovingly. "Let's go back to the hotel, we have a long day tomorrow."

We walk to the rest of our team and quickly enough we go to the bus. I sit next to Leila, and I end up sleeping on her. She laughs but lets me do it anyway. Once we are at the hotel, we all go to our rooms and sleep.

Las Estrellas (Alexia Putellas x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt