Nightmare (part one)

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Earth 101
     "What's going on?!" Erik demanded as he burst open the doors.

     "How are we suppose to know?!" Pietro crossed his arms "One minute we're out here talking the next the whole freaking sky is painted green!"

Earth 201
     "Are you guys seeing this?" a voice came over the comms.

     "Yeah," Lorna said looking up at the sky"Anyone know what's going on?"

     "I think it has something to do with the green mist" Kaldur replied.

     "Sounds like a justice league problem to me," Pietro said jumping on the link.

     "Uh, guys Robin's eyes just flashed green" Megan cut in.

     "What do you mean his eyes flashed green?" Wally asked raising an eyebrow.

     "Who are you talking to?" Nina asked waving a hand in front of Lorna's face.

     "Comms" Lorna pointed to the small piece in her ear "and get your hand out of my face if you don't want to lose it"

     "Sorry" Nina jerked her hand away.

Earth 301
     "Tim?" Damian gently put his hand on his little brother's shoulder.

     "What?!" Tim snapped jerking his shoulder away.

     "You're eyes just flashed green" Roy said pushing Damian out of the way. Damian fought the urge to stab the redhead.

     'Tim first, you can kill Roy later' Damian grumbled to himself.

     "It's probably just the pit," Tim said not really believing it himself 'if it was the pit it would have caused blood lust but I just killed a gang of drug lords so it can't be that' "Forget my eyes the freaking sky is green!"

     "Maybe it's connected!" Roy said excitedly.

     "Figure that out all by yourself Einstein" Damian scuffed.

     "You know what your problem is?" Roy asked crossing his arms "you-" he was cut off by a flash of green

Earth 201
     "Okay we're on our way" Wally replied, "just got to get the kid home first?"

     "Who are you calling kid" Nina crossed her arm. Before Lorna had a chance to speak the world flashed green before fading back to normal. Lorna's eyes widen as three boys appeared infront of them.

     "West?" Damian asked looking at Wally.

     "Uh, who are you?" Wally asked raising an eyebrow

Earth 205
     "What's going on" Snart demanded walking into the meeting room.

     "Apparently we have a stowaway," Jax said dodging an attack from Amaya.

     "What happened I thought we were all friends," Ray said helping Mick.

     "I'm not friends with murders" she growled glaring at Mick.

     "Look girl I didn't kill your boyfriend" Mick glared back.

     "What's all the noise about," Nate asked peering around the corner.

     "You stay back there" Snart ordered "Ray did not save your butt just for you to get killed on the ship"

     "Now let's all be civil here," Firestorm said trying to hold Amaya back "after all, there are five of us and one of you" Amaya responded by tossing him at the controls.

     "For goodness sake, you're going to wreck my ship!" Start snapped as the ship went spinning out of control before everything went green

Earth 101
     "This is not good," Charles said as they all gathered in the living room.

     "Anyone have a clue what's going on?" Scott asked standing next to Jean.

     "I'm unsure but this is. defiantly connected to a mutant," Charles said thoughtfully.

     "Uh guys we have visitors," Alex said looking outside. In the middle of the schoolyard was a large metal ship

     "Aliens!" Peter yelled running past everyone.

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