Burning sun

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     "Could it be any hotter" Lorna groaned wiping her brow.

     "Then why don't you take off the leather jacket?" Pietro rolled his eyes. Lorna just glared at him until a noise caught her attention.

     "Did you hear that?They both turned to see line of tanks.

At the base
     "I can’t restore his memories in this state" Megan says looking down at an unconscious Kaldur.

    "He needs immediate rehydration." Robin says sternly "Call the BioShip"

     "It’s out of range"Megan says "Wally can get him there quickly"

     "He’s too heavy, and I’m too low on fuel" Wally says breathlessly "I couldn’t even carry Lorna"

     "I have to find Superboy.” she says "I’m the only one who can help him"

     "Superboy’s indestructible" Wally points out "Aqualad and Polaris aren't" Megan clutches her head.

     "No!" she shouts "Superboy’s in pain" she takes off.

     "Megan wait!" Artemis yells after her.

     "We don’t know what erased our memories!" Robin yells.

      'Someone’s certainly a glutton for punishment' Psimon chuckles 'simon says… forget' Megan groans 'That’s it, forget like before'

     "Before…"Megan enters the tent, seeing the scientists shocking a sphere.

     'They're testing something it’s in pain' she realized 'Hello? Can you hear me?'

     'I can' Psimon chuckles 'And an open mind is a dangerous thing'

     'Someone's hacked into our link!' Megan shouts.

     "Psimon can't see you Psimon can't touch you.” he pulls down his hood. “But Psimon can make you all FORGET!" His eyes meet Megan. The Team clutch their heads.

     "No" she sending out mental waves stopping Psimon "I won’t let it happen again"

     "Aren't you supposed to be able to move stuff" Pietro asked zooming around to avoid being hit.

     "Metal" Lorna said "But I can't do anything with metal that is already moving and these tanks are way to big"

     "Just my luck" Pietro groans "I pick up the useless one"

     "Can you throw lightning" Lorna asked. Pietro nodded. "Ok am for that missle" Pietro sat her down be hind a rock then ran forward turning around and throwing lightning at the missile taking out all the tanks.

     "So maybe your not useless" he kind of apologized.

     "I think I found them" Lorna pointed to the tents. Robin and the others hide behind a rock

     "We can’t risk a firefight with Aqualad KO’d like this" Robin says

     "It’s not just him" Wally groans "I’m way out of juice"

     "I’m almost out of arrows.” she pulls out her almost empty quiver. Then notices that Robin is missing.

     "I forgot how much I hate it when he does the ninja-thing.” Wally groans then looks at Artemis "You never said why your dad  wants to…" he runs his ginger across his throat "..me.”

     "I got confused by- um- some old movie I saw the other night..." she turns her back to him "about a ninja whose dad ordered her to kill her boyfriend"

     "So, I’m your ninja boyfriend huh?" Kid teases.

     "amnesia, remember?I completely forgot how truly annoying you are" she snaps.

     "Like you're the Goddess of Congeniality!" Wally gribs.

      "Oh for goodness sakes get a room!" Pietro groans setting Lorna down "one two three four, great still missing three"

     "Lorna!" Wally smiles in relief as the green haired girl ducks  down next to him "and Peitro?" he looked up confused.

      "Anyone care to explain what's going on?" Lorna asked "and who is she?"

     "Why jealous?" Wally says playfully. Lorna rolls her eyes

     "We'll explain on the ship"Robin said reappearing as he set off hidden disks with the sound of his laughter drawing the soils away from them. The laughing speed up just before…exploding. "Thats are cue" They quickly ran to the ship.

In the tent
     Megan and Psimin glare at each other. As Superboy regain consciousness. He looks around, confused growling when he see Psimon. The sphere beside him begins to whir crashing into the control panel freeing Superboy. He jumps at Psimon hitting a red and black barrier. The backlash sends him sliding through the sand. He reaches one hand out to her slowly. In an instant, he’s floating beside Megan.

     "You’re here!" She  says stunned but relieved

     " Is that mindless creature supposed to save your mind?" he laughs.

     "No" Megan grabs Superboy s head "I save his" Memories of the last six months flood his mind.

     "Forget" Psimon says, pulling his hood down.

The entire Team clutches their heads, screaming. Mega fights against Psimon, mentally breaking his hold.

In Superboy' s head
     "So sorry, should’ve paid more attention" Megan murmurs "It was too much at once, too much, Hello, Megan" she slows as she reaches his face "that’s so me. I…”

     "Kick his butt" Superboy  says with a smirk.

     "By all means" Psimon taunts "Kick my psychic butt" Superboy turns to see Biyalan soldiers entering the tent only for the sphere to hit them to the side it beeped to Superboy.

     "Uhh, thanks" he mutters unsure. Behind him, the two telepaths haven’t moved an inch despite their fight. He looks to the two telepaths as a tornado breaks out.

     "Megan!" he holds her hand tight.

     "He’s too strong" she strains to speak.

     "You're strong, and I'm stubborn. Together!" He tells her, lifting their clasped hands.

     "Together" she agrees, both turn to Psimon "Get... out...of my head!" Megan shouts. Something inside the man shatters and he falls. Megan and Suoerboy smile and lean in until the sphere stops them, beeping. Superboy looks down at M’gann, smiling "Can I keep it?"

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