character quotes

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Lorna after her first week of training
Lorna: "It's been a bad day, first I broke Hal's windshield, then I broke Hal's lawnmower, now I broke Hal"

Wally:"I grew up on the street"
Lorna:"Sesame Street?"

Pietro and Artimes watching her niece
Artimes:"Great, we made her cry. If we keep this up, we are gonna scar her for life!"
Pietro:"Have you seen her parents the kids going to be scarred either way"

Lorna:"If you keep spending like that your going to be broke"
Pietro:"Oh this isn't me card it's Dick's"

Peitro:sacrasticly "why don't you try and be the bigger person"
Dick:"Someone's saying good bye to their kneecaps tonight"

Dick: walks in to the kitchen to eat breakfast
Nina:surrounded by animals like a disney princess
Dick:"Its to early for this junk"

Artemis talking about Connor
Pietro: "So he has a cute butt, I have a cute butt"
Artemis: "You should bring with you someday"

Lorna:"the next animal I find in my bed will be my new coat!"
Wally:"Cruella De Vil if she doesn't scare you no evil thing will"

Dick: Wallking through the pound Nina: Sitting in a kennel hugging a dog
Dick: stops in front of the Kennel and sighs "That ones mine"
2hours later
Erik: opens the door to see his house full of dogs
Dick: "Hey Mr.Erik sir" nervously twitches
Nina:"Hey dad" Waves

Pietro:"Should have burned this place down when I had the chance"

Lorna and Connor:moping in the corner
Artemis:"why are they upset"
Pietro:"they took a what justice league members are you quiz and got batman"
Artemis:"then why is he upset?" points to Dick
Pietro:"he didn't get Batman"

Lorna:"We're cat sitting for Nina" holding a Spinx
Wally:"Why is it inside out?!!!"

Wally: fighting a giant monster "A little help here?"
Lorna: drinking tea "Can't I'm on vacation"

After a big fight
Wally: "So why don’t you be a grownup and come watch TV in the fort?"

Nina:"You didn’t cry when Bambi’s mom died"
Lorna: sacrasticly "Yes, it was so sad when the guy stopped drawing the deer"

Pietro:"Have I ever lied to you?"
Connor:"several times"
Pietro:"I meant today"

Wally:"I need to alone right now"
Five minutes later
Wally: watching tv with dick "thanks for being alone with me"

Ever one in the montian yelling goodnight from different rooms
Lorna:"Good night John boy"
Lorna:"why does nobody ever get my references?"

Dick:"Justice will not rest!"
Megan: "What if I gave justice a cookie?"
Dick:"Justice will think about it"

Pietro:"It's the day before Christmas, I've hidden all the eggs!"
Lorna and Artemis: glare at him
Wally:"I mean great!"

Getting memory ereased on a mission
Artemis:"I don't believe I've seen you before"
Lorna:"I don't believe your blonde"

Nina:"I never met a cat I didn't like"
Connor:"Neither did Alf"
Lorna:"I've never been so proud in my entire life"

Wally:"I cracked Pietro secret password It's Artemis"
Dick:"He might as well just use the word password"
Lorna:"Says the guy whose password is cereal"

First fight
Wally:"I may have upset Lorna"
Hal:"So you have  chosen death"

On a secret mission
Lorma:"does Pietro know you're here"
Artemis "No, I told him I was studying does Wally Know you're here?"
Lorna:"No, I injected him with a sedative I've got at least four more hours"
Artemis:"We're like Thelma and Louise, except we haven't killed anyone"
Lorna:"It's still early"

Aftter Lorna and Wally get back from their honeymoon
Wally: turns to Lorna with puppy dog eyes
Lorna: rolls her eyes with a smile"Go ahead"
Wally: "Dickkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!" excitedly rushes to his best friend
Lorna: watching "Maybe some day he'll love me like that"
Cab driver:"I wouldn't get my hopes up"

Helping out at the hospital
Lorna: reading charts "This one need brain surgery, this one need a heart-
Wally:"and this one need courage"
Lorna: squeezing clip board muttering "He's a good man, He's a good man He's a good man" to keep from murdering him

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