Monsters in the dark

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     "What was that," Artemis asked looking in the direction the blur went.

      "I think that was another speedster," Wally said pulling down his goggles "I'll go check" he quickly zoomed off.

      "Do you think it could be..." Robin trailed off looking at Lorna.

      "I think it is" Lorna felt her heart skip a beat.

     "Anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Artemis asked raising an eyebrow.

     "Lorna has a brother" Kaldur explained "he was taken by Cadmus when he was younger We have reason to believe he's a speedster" Superboy tensed up at the mention of Cadmus.

     "Maybe we should keep an eye from the sky" Megan offered.

     "Yeah" Lorna nodded. They both flew up in the air.

     "I don't see any sign of them," Megan said looking around.

     "Do you think he's running towards something or away from something?" Lorna asked worriedly "Speedsters don't usually run that fast without a reason"

     "I know what you mean" Megan agreed "It may be best to get the rest of the team off the ground" they looked down to see something dark moving in the bushes.

     "Robin, Super there's something in the bushes keep on high alert," Lorna said over the comm.

     "I'll get the ship," Megan said flying off. Lorna flew down landing next to Kaldur who was still recovering from the Cheshire's poison.

     "Any sign of kid?" He asked holding his side. She shook her head.

      "Whatever you saw is getting closer" Superboy commented listening intensely. A large wolf-looking creature stepped out of the bush.

     "What is that?" Its eyes were solid white leaking black liquid and its claws were long and sharp like talons.

     "I got this" Superboy said stepping in front of the team.

     "Be careful that is definitely not a normal wolf" Lorna warned as the Wolf lunged at them knocking Superboy to the ground.

     "What the?" Superboy's eyes widened in shock as the creature opens its mouth revealing its silverish teeth.

     "Superboy!" Robin shouted. Lorna waves her hand launching a piece of metal at the Wolf only for it to jump off flashing in front of her.

     "Speedster wolf you got to be kidding me" Lorna backed up hitting a Wall. Robin threw a disk at it. The beast quickly dodged latching its teeth to Lorna's arm, dragging her with it.

     "What is that?" Megan's eyes widened as she walked out of the ship. The wolf let go of Lorna sending her crashing to the ground.

     "Ugh" she grunted in pain holding her shoulder. Megan tried to run over to her friend only to be lunged at by the Wolf. Artemis shot an arrow at it causing it to dart.

     "This is useless we need to get to the ship," Kaldur said.

     "That's not as easy as you think," Lorna said getting up "Superboy you get the doctor to safety Megan get the ship ready to take off Robin and Artemis help Kaldur I'll distract it"

      "Are you sure I am the strongest I should distract it" Superboy said.

     "You can't fly I can" she pointed out "once everyone's safe I can fly off out of reach," she said.

     "Fine," he said picking up the doctor as everyone headed towards the ship 'A wolf is a wolf it's always going to chase the one who strayed from the herd' Lorna thought to herself as she flew up over the wolf's head.

     "Come on ugly" Lorna taunted, flying a round in circles just out of reach. The beast snarled pacing around and leaping at Lorna.

     "Okay everyone's and the ship and off the ground," Robin said over the comm. Lorna let out a sigh of relief getting ready to fly away only for the creature to get a large leap pulling her right out of the sky.

     "Get away" she grunted trying to push the animal off. It almost looks like it was grinning as it opened its mouth. Lorna crossed her eyes waiting for the end only to feel the weight quickly pushed off of her chest. She looked up to see three burs running around one blue one red and yellow and one grey.

     "Polaris do you read?" Kaldur called over the comm.

     "Yeah," she said standing up. She watched as the grey blur was struck simultaneously by the other two. Finally, everything slowed down and the Wolf creature was knocked out as Wally and the other speedster stood over it breathing heavily before both passed out "We need to get medicinal attention asap" she called running over to the unconscious speedsters.

Meanwhile in a lab far off
     "The safeguard has been put in place" a man smiled slyly.

     "Are you sure this is a good idea?" another asked him "we don't want to expose ourselves"

     "We need these kids alive to serve the light and they are going to need help if they're going to survive what's coming," the first guy says.

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