Three of a kind

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     Suddenly water bursts up on Kaldur's right, morphing in a stream that hits Red Volcano in the chest and knocks him into the lava behind him.

     "Nice hit!" Robin says. Kaldur looks past him.

     "The hit was not mine. Look!" He pointed to Red Torpedo standing behind them rising up on another pillar of water. The Android sends two smaller streams at a still partially submerged Red Volcano, covering the area in steam due to the temperature difference. From it rises a stone pillar that Volcano lying on top of. Tornado flies  throught the pillar, dropping Red Volcano back into the magma.

     "Looks like the calvary's here" Lorna said in disbelief. The rest of the Team were stunned as they watched in silence. Fireballs rain down as Volcano resurfaced. Inferno continues throwing them until she was close enough to hit him. Volcano grabbed her hand crushing it yet she keep pushing against him.

     "Sister, brother, stop!" Red Volcano shouts. Torpedo hits him in the chest, knocking all three of them into the magma. Tornado flies silently over the lava, using his tornado as a buffer before he stands on Red Volcano’s chest. All of them are melting away with the heat. "Father would be so disappointed" Connor jumps over grabbing Tornado by the cape and pulling him from the lava.

     "Tornado, listen, we’re on the verge of a Stage Three SuperVolcano Eruption there’s no turning back from that we need to vent pressure, fast.” Wally informs him "But the ash cloud will bring on a worldwide Nuclear Winter unless you divert it" Tornado nods.

     "Triangulate around the pressure locus" he tells the Boy Wonder.

     "Right" Robin nods types on his HoloGlove "There, there, and there" he says as he finds the three spots. Without a word, Artemis shoots her arrow to the Volcano, it breaks into three and they explode on contact.
Tornado’s legs turn in to a tornado under him aa he flies off past the ash cloud.

His eyes glow red as he snaps his arms out, creating a gigantic tornado that pulls the ash cloud up and through the outer atmosphere.

     "Yes!" Wally shouts as he watches the magma cool down. Untill the sound of whirring grabs his attention instantly. Tornado crash land, the Team rushes over to him, but he can see the hand that was above the surface of the lava crumble away.

     The Team is inside Morrow’s lab, everyone but Connor and Pietro crowded around Tornado.

     "There" Robin sighs in relief "That should do it"

     "Yes. I can speak again" Tornado confirms. His legs are missing.

     "You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save the planet" Kaldur says, stepping up.

     "The planet would have survived, It was Humanity that was saved" Tornado turns towards them. "Though not by me" Kaldur places a hand on the Leaguer’s shoulder  "My sister and brother were the true heroes this day"

     "My point is this… you were never the Mole, never a traitor" Kaldur says.

     "No, I left to protect you from further attack and to find my creator, Morrow" Tornado reveals.

     "For a hunk of metal you have a pretty big heart" Lorna smiled. Wally search through  somevstuff. “

     "Cool" he holds up a large red hand. "Souvenir"

     "Great more junk" Pietro said sacrasticly. Robin is looking through another container, finding a leg that he shows to Wally grinning.

     "Reddy, we can rebuild you better than you were before" Wally grins.

     "Oh so that reference you got" Lorna crosses her arms.

     "I do not believe I should be repaired" Tornado says catching everones attention. Conner glances over his shoulder, finally facing Tornado.

     "Why did you volunteer to become our Den Mother in the first place?” He asked.

     "I was the pragmatic choice" Tornado says bluntly. "I do not require sleep. I have no secret identity or second life to live"

     "But you do have advanced AI Programming designed to learn, adapt, evolve" Wally  says plays with his souvenir as he speaks. Megan knocks herself in the head.

     "Hello Megan! You wanted to become more human" she smiles.

     "Doesn't that give you a headache?" Pietro raises an eyebrow.

     "And you couldn’t do that with the League" Artemis realizes. "They’re stiffs"

     "You’re sure not going to learn emotion from Batman. Trust me" Robin chuckles.

     "Then the cave was not a proving ground only for us… but for you as well" Kaldur turns back to Tornado.

     "I do not know if those statements are accurate,” Tornado admits. "but perhaps they are true. And if I understand the term correctly, I believe I have come to… care about you all"

     "Even him?" Wally asked pionting to Pietro who was buzy 'borrowing' stuff.

     "See? Practically a meatbag already" Conner says. "Which reminds me" The dirty blonde, Stikk, stands in a medical room. Only a singular bed and a heart rate monitor prove there is someone else there. Stikk turns to Tornado, frightened.

     "I will not hurt him" Tornado assures him as he walks past.Morrow, looking properly aged to have been creating Heroes in the 1930s, wheezes under the oxygen mask. "He was evil, but T.O. Morrow is still my father. I will care for him. It is the human thing to do"

     The team entered Mount Justice. Robin leans forward, touching Zatanna’s shoulder. “

     "So, good kidnapping?" he asks.

     "Actually, yeah" she smiles as she turns back towards him "Best ever"

      "First of many, I hope" He chuckled. Both of them freeze hearing yelling down the hall.

     "She’s grounded for life!” Zatara shouts.

    "They’re good kids, Giovanni" Canary asures him "Don’t worry" Giovanni"

     "She’s never joining this team!” He shouts.

     "Um, are they coming out to play or what?"Shazam calls from the door way, both he and Wolf are soaked.

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