Moving out

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     Lorna took a deep breath before opening the door. Even though she was still living here, she hadn't talked to her father too much since the night she found out about her powers.

     "I'm home" she announced walking inside the house.

     "Hey" her sister greeted her from the couch.

     "Where's dad?" Shw asked. Nina pointed towards the kitchen "Thanks" Lorna waved walking into the kitchen.

     "Welcome home I'm just getting dinner finished" Erik stood over the stove. Lorna nodded grabbing plates out of the cabinet.

     "Got some good news from the league today," she said laying the plates on the table.

     "What is that?" He said turning the stove off.

     "Well a few days ago me and the other sidekicks found Superman's son" She decided it was best not to tell him she went to Cadmus.

     "He has a son?" Erik asked raising an eyebrow.

     "Yes" she lied 'He basically is' "any way he is going to be on the new team we're forming the league gave us their old hangout"

    "Interesting" she started wondering if maybe she shouldn't be telling all this information surely Batman would frown on it 'that jerk frowns at everything' she thought shaking her head.

    "Yeah so two of the sidekicks don't have homes and have to live there," she said sitting down.

    "Oh," he said sitting next to her "Well that sucks"

     "Yeah, so I volunteered to stay with them until they are settled in" Erik's eyes widened.

     "Most certainly not," he said trying to stay calm "You are not living in some old warehouse"

     "First it's not your choice where I live second it's not an old warehouse heck it's much nicer than this place," she said standing up.

     "This is that stupid green lantern's fault I should have never let you train with him" Erik scuffed.

     "He was more of a father to me in a year than you were in my entire life!" Lora shouted her eyes glowing green.

    "Fine then leave," Erik said storming out. Lora felt her entire body tremble as she walked to her room. She sighed leaning against her shut door. She pulled her phone out scrolling through her contacts.

     "Hey Wally" her voice was shaky. He had never heard her so upset normally she was considered the strong one out of all the sidekicks.

    "Are you okay?" Wally asked worriedly.

    "Yeah, can you come to pick me up I live at-" she was cut off by a knocking on her door.

    "Hello," Wally greeted her as she opened the door.

    "How did you know where I live?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

    "Last time me and the Flash were in Coast City I saw you walking in this house" he smiled "I just assumed it was yours"

    "You are such a stalker" she rolled her eyes.

    "You know you want me" Wally smirked.

    "I knew I should have called Aqualad" she groans as she climbs onto his back.

    "Hold on tight" he flashes her a smile before zipping to the mountain.

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