Chapter 12 - Accidentally Planned Date

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"Really! You know I can smell you from anywhere."

"Only dogs can do that!" I said and stepped back.

He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and went back to the camera.


"Bossy!" he said raising his eyebrows playfully.

I ignored him and started counting "1... 2... 3..." *click* *click* *click*

"Wait I wasn't ready!" he said shocked at the speed I worked with my camera.

I looked at the pictures and burst out laughing. He was turned around, butt up, mouth open, eyes wide, trying to decide how to sit and turning to look at me when I started counting. If I have ever seen him so funny before, it was when he was talking to the lizard on his bathroom wall.

"Show me!" he said walking to me.

"No, no, no, no, no. I am not showing it to you." I hid my camera and ran, he ran behind me. We were running in the whole studio here and there, him trying to chase me and me trying to save my camera. Both were laughing and swearing at each other. Thankfully there were just the two of us. With Ohm's mischiefs, I will have hard time explaining how we both know each other.


I hit the light stand and it fell. I tumbled over it and was about to go face down. Ohm's strong hands held me steady and pulled me close. We were both panting. Tired after all the running. He searched my eyes and grinned and I couldn't help grin back. We both chuckled at our childishness.

"Delete those." He ordered.

"No way. I will keep it for myself."

"You can't."

Of course I can. I am going to frame it and tease him later.

"You will see." I teased him. "Let's go now. I need to finish this shoot today. You even have an interview later."

He smiled and nodded.

Will someone call me a pervert if I can't stop staring at the guy in the camera right now? Each pose is making me drool. Shit, this is the reason why I was avoiding him. He is literally like greek god. His pecks coming out of that shirt, his unbuttoned neck, his broad shoulders, his business-shark look, his half smile, his mischievous fierce eyes. I can snap his pictures whole day. Capturing his clicks like no one else. It would be a lie of I say that I am clicking all the pictures for the magazine. Many of these are going to be my personal collection of once-my-husband Ohm Pawat.

"We are done. I'll finalize the pictures with you once before submitting it to the team." I told him smiling. When I am not mad or thinking about all the negative stuff, I can't help smiling looking at him.

"I believe you must have taken the best photos. Who else will know me better if not you?" he said playfully.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know? You are my husband after all."

"Enough with that husband joke."

"It isn't a joke. Well... technically it isn't." he winked.

"You know what I mean."

"And you should know what I mean." He said nudging my shoulder with his.


"So what?"

"Shall we go?"

"Where?" I asked confused.

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