"I have a new phone for you though. But it isn't like the old one I have installed a tracker on it for your own safety. I can't do anything about the Playlist though." I said then walked away to get the phone from my office.

I chose her guest bedroom to be next to my office. I don't know why but I'm kinda fond of her.

She's really fucking pretty and no flaws whatsoever.

I jogged upstairs to my office and grabbed her iPhone 12.

I hope she likes it. I really do.

I jogged down stairs with the phone with its box in my hand and walked to the living room. She was sitting on the couch while Corbin was waking up Rice rolls.

"Here you go. Don't walk out of the house without it Amelia and always keep in charged."

She was speechless. Just gaping at me holding the phone. "You did not." She said in a calm whisper. "I indeed did." I said walking over to her with the phone.

She took it from my hand and started checking it like it was an illusion. "You fucking did not."

She looked at me with disbelieve and hugged me out of nowhere. I was shocked. "Thank you!" She said muffled against my chest and I didn't even have time to prosses that I was being hugged by Amelia.

I slowly wrapped my hands around her completing the hug and said "it's nothing Amelia just follow what I said." She backed away and said "Ok. OK." She looked at the phone and shook her head "you're seriously the best."

I smiled a little. I never have relationships. They disgust me. Only one night stands for my needs but that's all.

But for some reason, her little complements send weird shit in my stomach.

She opened the box that had the white iPhone inside. "Oh and there is a clear case on it." I said because she didn't see it and it was clear.

Amelia's Pov*

Was he crazy? Giving out expensive shit like that to a girl he barely knows?

"How much was it I have a some money in my credit hard" I said to Adrian who shook his head and said "I don't want its money back Amelia. Just enjoy your new phone" I looked at him and said.

"You are way too nice A.D. you dont even know me. Why did you buy me this?" I asked holding the phone. "Well because the main reason that your old one broke was that you were involved with the mafia without even knowing and it's kinda our families fault." He said

He was right. "Wait what's the name of your mafia?" I asked. "The D'sannis our family's name."

"And what was the name of the mafia that kidnapped me?" I asked

"The cobras. The leaders name is Peter santiago. He's an evil man and his right hand man is more evil telling him ideas to twist his way into people's minds and they are very dangerous Lia. You must know that."

"The cobras?" I asked in a serious manner.

"Yeah." He answered.

And I started losing it. I burst out laughing at the stupid name. Who would name their mafia the cobras? "And what is their simble? A snake?" I asked still laughing like hell.

"Actually it is." That made me laugh even harder.

"Do they hiss instead of talk?" My laughter died and I tried to keep a straight face.

"The name Is stupid but they are very dangerous" Ian said. Apparently he heard the whole thing.

"Ok I promise I will not go out with my phone turned off or leave without it and always keep if charged" I said calming down but still laughing a bit.

My Bright LightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin