Chapter two

Mulai dari awal

"Yes Amelia and now we arrived let's go," He said as he got out of the car. I looked out the window to see the most gorgeous mansion I'd ever seen

It was drop-dead gorgeous and I can't believe people have that much money on them to buy those things

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It was drop-dead gorgeous and I can't believe people have that much money on them to buy those things. But I have to get used to it. I have 600 million dollars in my name.

I walked up to the mansion to see bodyguards everywhere. Rio was next to me the whole time.

I was walking up the stairs to get into the mansion when I tripped on a step I didn't see and fell on my face for the second time today.

I was tired so I stayed down for a few seconds. exhausted and in pain from the fall. When I felt a hand on my arm. And for the second time today, Adrian helped me up While Rio was just sitting next to me. His hands were warm and soft. And I was cold and the white shirt that I was wearing was all dirty from the falling I've been doing. And the fact that I had been knocked out with a gun doesn't help. I had a back headache ever since I woke up.

I walked inside with Adrian by my side his hand on my arm still. I think he thinks I can't walk but he was right anyway.

The mansion was very pretty from the inside. Everything was dark themed and on the left, you could see the huge kitchen. It's my favourite part of any house.

I stopped and asked Adrian something that has been on my mind ever since I saw his mansion "what do you do for a job to have all of that?" He stared at me for a moment determining whether to tell me or not "I am a mafia leader

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I stopped and asked Adrian something that has been on my mind ever since I saw his mansion "what do you do for a job to have all of that?" He stared at me for a moment determining whether to tell me or not "I am a mafia leader." He said and I was gaping at him. "You're a what now?" He repeated " a mafia leader. A leader to something called mafia. It's spelt m-a-f-i-a." I was speechless again "THATS SO COOL OH MY GOD! DOES THAT MEAN YOU CAN KILL PEOPLE AND NOT GO TO JAIL THATS SO INTERESTING? HOW DO YOU HIDE THE BODIES? AND WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WAY TO KILL PEOPLE?!" I asked excitingly. Trying my hardest not to shriek happily, I was so fond of that stuff that it didn't scare me at all to know that he's he's a mafia leader.

"You're so hyperactive." He said and didn't respond to what I asked. "Well, would you rather me freak out and run away?" I ask sassily and fold my arms over my chest.

My Bright LightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang