Chapter 31.

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Flashes of a bright blue light and electronic sounds began to fire off. I was knocked down a bit and kneeled upon Optimus, gripping him tightly as his body jolted and twitched.
My heart raced with anticipation as I watched the light from his Spark reignite and travelled throughout the rest of him. Optimus's eyes flickered with the same light as he widened them and begin to move a bit more. He opened his mouth and dust and dirt flew out of it. I was briefly upset at the shape the military left him while he was in their custody, but I didn't stay mad long as I watched my guardian come back to me.
We did it.
Optimus groaned and began to sit up, in the process, Sam and I slid off and stood back in the sand to face him as he adjusted himself. His glowing blue eyes traced around the area and did a double-take when they landed on us.
When they landed on me.

"Kiaria." Optimus said in gentle relief. "Sam. Children, you both returned for me."

My jaw trembled and my breath faltered as I couldn't hold back anymore and I ran over to hug his giant arm. There was a great silence upon everyone as the buildup of tears and agony exploded out of me as I cried and screamed violently in both grief and joy. I would've doubted that this was only a dream until metal lightly touched my back and I only looked up to see his face again through my blurred vision. It almost looked like he was smiling and I smiled back as I sobbed against him.
Just to ruin a moment, a pulsating sonic sound boomed over the area and a bright orange light crashed into the earth. Optimus had grabbed me quickly and shielded me as I could feel that we were knocked down to the ground. I panted in fear against Optimus's chest as I looked up and saw everyone was knocked over as well, all grunting and groaning from the impact. Before my very presence, was the very thing, or person, that had caused it.

The Fallen.

He was here and he stood over Optimus and I, his horrible huge red, bug-like, eyes glowed like demonic fireflies. I shivered at his presence as I had only seen him on television. He was almost as tall as Optimus, if not taller, and just as menacingly disgusting as his debut to the Earth's worldwide broadcasts. Over the past few days of my field trip, I've been mildly frightened and threatened by Decepticons, but The Fallen was beyond fear.

He is fear.

He is destruction, and a trail of chaos behind him that I could sense viciously. I was terrified to my core at the power that was once a great Prime, and now is only a bringer of death and despair.
"My Matrix." His malicious voice then purred as he teleported himself to stand on top of Optimus and made the device rise out of his chest.
I leaned against Optimus closely, who still had a hand cupped around me, trying his best to hide me. I could see the Matrix floating in the air, almost reaching The Fallen's hands. Not knowing what suddenly came over me, but I left my cover and jumped for the Matrix. I managed to grab the device and was floating along with it, I learned hard that zero gravity will never be my friend in this very moment.
"Kia! Stop! No! No!" I could hear Optimus pleading behind me, but he couldn't stop The Fallen, as the Decepticon Lord shifted more of his weight on him and now pinned down his arms.

"The Matrix doesn't belong to you!" I screamed at The Fallen, trying to swing the device away from him. "It belongs to a true Prime!"

"Ah," he purred again and faced me, pinching the top of the device with one hand, and snatched me off it of with his other cold and sharp claws. I winced at the horrible pressure as metal rubbed against my burns, and I struggled against him as he drew me closer to his distinctive face. "Then you shall die for him, little disciple. You reek of his disgraceful existence."
I struggled and screamed as The Fallen turned around and began to ascend to the air, along with me. He was going to teleport to who knows where and this was not in my plan. Actually, there was no plan and in my head I was kicking myself in the teeth for my foolish actions. I could see the Autobots stand up and some of the humans, along with Major Lennox. All shouting and screaming together as they panicked after me.
"Kiaria!" Only Optimus was heard yelling my name, this time extending an arm out to me, but it only reached for nothing.
Déjà vu.
"Optimus!" I could barely make out his appearance as I, once again, extended a hand out to him, watching him fade in the distance while The Fallen teleported me to my doom.

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