Chapter 25.

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"Wake up. Hey, wake up. Kia. Come on. Please wake up."

My eyes fluttered open to see Sam leaning over me from the open car door. I flinched at his presence and slowly glanced around to see Bumblebee's seats are all empty, except for me.
Once I got my bearings, I faced back to Sam sleepily and puzzled, "Hey there, glad to see you again." He smiled.
I rubbed my eyes from the bright desert sunlight and yawned, "What's going on? Everything ok?"

He nodded, "Everything is fine, but I think we found what were looking for. Everyone's outside taking a stretch. We didn't want to disturb you, but you've slept most of the day. I said I'd wake you up once we got there and we're here now."
I unbuckled my seatbelt and Sam backed away to let me outside. I took a stretch, too, and attempted to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I hear Bumblebee transform and he stood up to tower over us. I raised my eyes to greet him and smiled. He nodded and ruffled my hair a bit.
"How long was I out?" I giggled, playfully pushing Bee's hand away and turned to ask Sam.
"Like I said, most of the day. The desert is pretty wide so it not a big issue that we just got here. Are you feeling ok?" He replied.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Why?" I asked some more.
"Well," He extended the word. "You kinda were mumbling and crying in your sleep. No one understood what you were saying, but it sounded pretty serious. I'm sure you don't want to talk about it, but, I just want to make sure you're alright."
I stared at Sam for a minute in confusion and I glanced back at Bee.
"It's true, scout's honor." His radio buzzed and Bee did a boy scout salut.
"Heh, I guess it was nothing then." I faced Sam again with a dismissive smirk and shrugged.  "Honestly, I don't even remember it. Maybe it was a stress dream. We are in the middle of a war and time is of the effort."
Which was all true, but my answer didn't satisfy Sam.
"Yeah, but, Kia..." He tried to say.
"Sam, I'm fine. Ok? Like I said, let's not waste the time we barely have. We have an Autobot to save and you're our only advantage, I said I'd trust you with that part. My part is to protect you and once this is over, we go our separate ways. That was our deal."
I crossed my arms and waited for him to acknowledge me. His eyes searched the ground as he thought and shortly brought them to face me. The worry, the guilt, the responsibility glistened within them. I'd say he'd looked like Lennox again, making that face, but the recent sigh he gave was only in defeat of my unchanging decision.
"Ok." He sighed again. "Ok. Let's rendezvous with the gang."
"Agreed." I said and I followed Sam as he turned to another direction to wherever everyone was. Bumblebee followed nearly next to me as we tailed the boy.

Everyone was around the corner of a rock formation, sitting and taking a water and food break. Simmons offered me a canteen, but I refused as I still had some of my own bottles in my backpack. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until I finished nearly two bottles. I made sure I had enough left in my pack.
Good thing I packed a bunch. Wish I had more snacks, though, I'm kind of hungry. I wouldn't have thought to pack for an entire field trip.
Right on cue, my stomach growled. I had to hide it though, I didn't want anyone to spare me any of their portions, or rations, if they had some. Thankfully, no one took notice and I didn't want to have the awkward moment of accepting another human's offering. My truce is already strange enough on my customs. Besides, I've been without food before, I can do it again. Most times, I naturally forget to replenish my energy, especially when I hang around the Autobots frequently. I forget how "organic" I am as much as they do.
I once went three days without eating or drinking and I felt fine, until Ratchet noticed my sugar levels dropping, granted my adrenaline was always spiked from training or the other humans presences, and scolded me in his own way that I needed to take care of my organic needs.
Which was understandable, because the bots wouldn't remember to refuel someone like me every now and then, and no one would remember to tell them to do so all that often. Ratchet made sure to keep a clear watch on my "energy intake", as he called it. Through it all, they really did take good care of me.

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