Chapter 24.

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Agent Simmons and Leo were sleeping in the other room as Mikaela and I rushed after Sam.
"Guys!" Sam started yelling. "Guys! Wake up!"
The man and the boy woke up with a startle and quickly composed themselves so they could listen intensively as Sam rambled on about everything.
I glided across the room and sat down in the middle of the floor, crossing my arms and legs and listened to Sam's outbursts of info.
Everything sounded all so scrambled, while I didn't mean for myself to nearly zone it all out, not until Sam uttered, "Come on, follow me outside." All of us now marched outside and daybreak was nearly upon us, and few stars dusted the sky.
"See those three stars?" Sam pointed the brightest and most obvious ones. "See how the farthest one nearly touches the horizon? That's Orion's belt. Also called the Three Kings. The pyramids were built to follow those stars. Like an arrow pointing the way on the map."

Oh! Orion! The Three Kings! They're all connected! Of course! Wait. Orion? Didn't Optimus say his old name was Orion? Also, didn't Jetfire's little prophecy involve the original thirteen Primes? That a Prime can only defeat The Fallen? So maybe this all really falls onto Optimus. If we find the Matrix, we'll find the key to Optimus's resurrection. When we find that, Optimus can help defeat this Decepticon threat. Why didn't I make this connection before?
"Then they all point that way, towards the mountains." Simmons pitched in.
"Then that's where we'll find our key to Optimus." I said, standing up straight. "And I rely on you, to help find it."
Sam perked up when I spoke to him, his eyes glistening, his face as serious as mine while he nods, "Yes. I promised."

"Alright. Let's roll out."

We quickly grabbed our things and headed to the Autobots to make our move.


We were back on stranded desert roads, the sun and sand bathed everything yellow light, dust, and earth. My hands clenched tightly around Bumblebee's seatbelt as I felt anxious, but a little extra determined. I also felt a little odd as I thought about my truce with Sam. I still don't trust him all the way, or maybe I do. I felt stuck, like I was somewhere in the middle. My conscious was clear not to trust anyone, ever. My subconscious said otherwise, my subconscious felt familiar. Feeling more like home and the Autobots.
I smiled as if to think they were there in my mind the whole time, telling me to trust and that once I did, they're now cheering me on. My heart felt warm, but it wasn't enough to fill the void of loosing Optimus. His kind voice, words of wisdom, his gentle face all flooded my mind, but I tried to take comfort that maybe he was with me there, too. That he's watching from somewhere in beyond and supporting this every step of the way.
My biggest supporter of all. I'll—no, we'll bring him back so he can continue doing just that. He'd be proud because he did care this whole time. I'll soon show him how much I care in return.
I smiled widely again, but then dropped as I realized something about our plan. What if Major Lennox didn't understand my message? What if the Decepticons interfere? Of course they would, they're too smart, but what if...?

"You alright back there?"

The familiar question pierced the veil of doubts and reality flashed back in front of me. My eyes shifted to the review mirror and caught Sam's eyes in the reflection again. This time, instead of brushing his concern off, I gave him a smile. Felt weird that I had to comfort him to not worry about me now.
"Are you sure? You've been making some strange faces. Is something bothering you? Do you feel well?" He asked.
"Sammy, I'm fine." I tried to maintain this straining grin. "I'm motivated to get this plan in motion, I'm just tired, I suppose."
That part was true since I haven't been sleeping very well. Two days to be exact.
"Hm." He hummed doubtfully, surprisingly ignoring the moment to tease about me calling him that nickname again.
This was awkward.
Geez. Give me a break. Guess I really am readable if I can't even try to convince another human about something. Ugh, this is exhausting to even bother.

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