Chapter 5.

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"Aah!" The voices screamed.

Hard thuds were heard one at a time across the gym room floor. The recent victim of the last soldier beneath me groaned on the ground as I pinned him down with my boot.
A few of them, actually, were all sprawled across the floor and I observed my handiwork around the room, smirking heavily. The bodies groaned, whined, and struggled to recoup from their ass kicking with me. The training exercise went well and was concluded when the buzzer rang.
"Alright, K1-A, that's enough for today." The training officer commanded.
I wanted more, to take everything out on anyone they threw at me, but I had to listen. I've recently heard the news that the Autobots had finished their mission and were on their way home. I've been waiting anxiously for their return, using my training this past few weeks to get my energy out.
It had been two years since they found me and took me in. I had been appointed as a secret social project by the American President when my story reached the government. I was the first human child to be under an alien race and their care. They were to nurture, educate, and protect me as a military and "family" unit.
The humans wanted to see how they could care for fragile and inferior creatures amongst themselves. The government and military refers to me as K1-A, a code name for mine, Kia.
How creative.

Regardless, I'm the first and only child soldier, under top secrecy of the government, be it that I'm only training at the age of ten. The project is so secret and restricted, because most of society would not agree for a child to be training in the military at such a young age. However, a part of it's because of my abilities and loyalty to the Autobot cause, that I remained here.
I'm really strong and quick for my age and that made me too dangerous to relive back in society. That was fine on my part, if it meant I could throw a few humans around everyday, I was content. That was not the case of my training, I started training a year and a half ago to protect myself and to protect the lives of those who deserve a chance, as Optimus Prime felt compelled to put it. Optimus had found a way to channel my hatred as defensive protection instead, without harming anyone who's innocent. Optimus, being my sole guardian and leader, has this idea I could trust humans one day and learn to protect them and all that they are. To learn to be human again, for my sake. It hasn't been easy, but it lets me be with him.
I train with the bots as well, in putting my normal size up against targets that would be bigger than me and deadlier.
Optimus, for now, only educates me, but he'll teach more techniques when I'm older. Ratchet teaches me medical skills and some engineering , like how to assist him in smaller areas he couldn't reach. A mission a few months back, Sideswipe nearly got killed and had a mild bullet wound from a Decepticon's gun and was bleeding Energon like crazy. I had to help cauterize the hard to reach places and wasn't a professional quite yet, but Ratchet said I did very well and Sideswipe would recover just fine.
Ironhide has been teaching me how to use a weapon responsibly, even so he gave me a weapon of my own. He really wasn't kidding back then. I loved his gift, for it was a special pocket knife with a metallic black frame and orange Energon blade, like Optimus's swords, with Cybertronian symbols.


"Now it only works under your DNA signature, thanks to Ratchet. It can change into any blade or firearm. However, I'll only permit the gun part when you're a little older, squirt." Ironhide said with a chuckle and handed me his creation.
"Use it wisely and for self-defense only. Optimus's orders."
"Ok. Um. What does this mean?" I asked him upon receiving the knife, pointing at the symbols engraved on what I learned was the Autobot's native language.
"Good luck, my little punk." He chuckled at me.
I smiled and gave his face a huge hug, "Thank you, I love it."

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