Chapter 28.

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The three of us kept running and dodging through ruins and rubble. It was getting harder and harder to find and keep cover as structures began to become undone or stretch out across the area. I was running out of ideas and I kept pushing myself to keep running. My legs and lungs were tired, my body ached, and my new head wound throbbed uncontrollably. We made it over a few more dunes and into another set of ruins. No sooner had we arrived, I heard voices in the distance.

"Sam!" They shouted in unison, repetitively. "Sam! Sam!"

What the hell?! Who the fuck are these people?! My thoughts raged at the two older adults, a man and woman, came rushing towards us from a random bulldozer and I aimed IronLuck out protectively.
"Kia, wait!" Sam shouted and ran in front of me to embrace them. "Kia, I know them! I know them! These are my parents!"
"Sam, you need to leave!" His father ignored that I was aiming my gun and started spewing and babbling nonsense to his son.
His mother laid her hands on both sides of his face, crying, and only she had proceeded to look in my direction, and the distress on her face was plain as day. "Sammy, why is there a little girl here?! What is happening?!"
"Your parents?" I questioned Sam in an angered shock, standing in a defensive form from the unknown adults. The idea of them being here bothered me and that they were his parents was another issue I couldn't comprehend. Still, it didn't explain why they were part of our equation.
"What in the hell are they doing here in the middle of..."

Why else would one just randomly sit there? They were kidnapped as blackmail to the human boy.

My body stiffened at the realization and at the same time electronic mechanisms began to buzz and ring loudly from behind us. Damn it! So now I have to protect more humans.
"Get down and out of range!" I shouted at all the humans.
Sam and the others, who were grouped behind me, started screaming and ducking as the bulldozer Decepticon jumped up and landed in front of us, blocking any chance of exit. It grabbed at Sam's parents from the others, pulling them to it, and dropped them to the ground. Then it began holding the adults at gunpoint. I reactively shifted my position and scurried to shield Sam and Mikaela from slipping out of my line of sight, too.
"Wait!" Sam shouted at the enemy and he did try to run past me. Without thinking I changed Ironluck back to knife form, snagged him by one of his jacket loops with the flat of the blade and handle, and threw him down behind me.
"Sam, stop it!" I ordered over the scared boy, shifting my knife back to a gun, and turned to aim it at the evil robot.
"Sam, please for the love of—just run away!" His dad shouted more as he struggled under his captor.
"Please, Sammy! Run!" His mother cried. "Take those girls and run."
I'm tired of running. My mind mumbled.
"Guys, just stop. They want me, not you." Sam got off his ass and stood next to me, not moving past my peripheral, and raising his arms.
"What are you doing?!" I hissed between my teeth.

"Sam Witwicky." The bot had growled and pointed the gun at our faces now.

Sam stepped over in front of me and pulled out my sock bundle from his pocket.
"You want me, right? You want what I have. Is this what you want?"
"Sam, what are you..." I tried to repeat, keeping my gun aimed up at the Decepticon.
I suddenly hear a faint whistling noise and turned to face behind me and was relieved to see a familiar black and yellow figure.
Bumblebee! Brother!
Bee somehow managed to track and follow us down here. He was concealed behind a building's archway, his hand cannon ready. I shot him a discreet look and Bee signaled something with his free hand. I somehow understood what he meant and prepared myself. We're going to go out in a fight and I was ready.
Sam kept talking and distracting the enemy until things got a little heated. The Decepticon was getting impatient, as was I, for I was watching Bee climb over his hiding spot's roof. I could hear the enemy ready his gun and pushed it closer to us. As to not look any more suspicious I turned back to face the boy, listening for Bee to ready his attack. I then made my own move and pounced on a surprised Sam, pulling him down to the ground, again, and rolled over to stand back up.
"Bumblebee! Now!" I shouted.

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