Chapter 10.

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Later in the afternoon, Optimus and I drove around town for a few hours before we headed back to the base. Home was probably about an hour, or so, away and we already had that long drive to get to town earlier this morning. I had only assumed Optimus felt compelled to spend more time with me, so we stayed out longer. I didn't know what we would do besides drive and talk and I would refuse to go into any buildings by myself around the humans out there.
After our interaction with Sam being a failure, we were both pretty silent, so talking felt out of the question. I sat in the front passenger seat and fiddled with IronLuck. Observing the black exterior on the handle and the orange Energon blade. I loved how the blade and it's symbols glowed like it was still hot metal, being smelted and carved carefully by Ironhide. I kind of missed talking to him right about now, maybe when we get back he'll have time for another horror film.

"I see you're fond of your weapon." Optimus had called it, breaking the silence.
Again, the knife was meant as a tool, but that was the humans call for it. The Autobots agreed amongst themselves, and I, that it may be needed as a form of self-defense.
"Yes. I've had it for some time now, but I like admiring it. It feels safe." I said, lost in observation.
"Very good, we would like for you to feel safe." He said.
More silence. I put away my knife upon my bag and grabbed my unfinished water bottle and emptied it. I placed the empty bottle in a spare pocket to throw it away later. I relaxed in my seat and leaned against the door, placing my chin in my hands.
"Hm?" I responded.
"Despite our recent attempt for help, I wanted to inform that I appreciate your participation." Optimus said gratefully.
I smiled and patted Optimus's dashboard, "Thank you. I appreciate you letting me come with you."
I felt my seatbelt tighten a bit and let go.
"Kiaria. I also know that this was hard on you and was a big decision on your behalf. But I'm proud of you. I sincerely wish for you to continue with this mission, no matter the circumstances, understood?"

My smile fell and I lowered my glance to the floor. I wasn't happy that it wasn't over. I was still assigned to protect Sam. I don't trust him at all. He's another unreliable human and he let us down. He let Optimus down. That is unforgivable. If I had it my way, I'd punch some sense in to him, maybe threaten him to help, but that is unacceptable to Autobot terms. What does Optimus see in him? What makes Sam so special? Why does he trust him?
"Kia?" Optimus snapped me out of my thoughts and I sighed out loud as I recollected.
"Optimus...I...I don't like that you ask me of this. However, I'd said I'll do it. If things become too much for me, I can't guarantee that I'll continue." I answered honestly. I know I made a promise and vowed to myself that I could do this. To prove I could try. However, we all have our limits and humans were mine.
"Understood." Was all he said.
"Optimus, I'm sorry."
"Why, Kiaria? You've done nothing wrong."
"Well, this is hard on both of us. I can't help but feel like a burden and because I my issues, my presence only causes a disturbance." I fiddled with my hands anxiously.
"Kia. I agree that we all have our inconveniences and doubts, however and as I've said before, your argument of your presence being not needed is misguided. For I appreciate the time I get to spend with you, youngling. I, for one, adore your presence."
This caused me to smile again, "I adore your presence as well."
Tell him! Optimus is family to you! Tell him you love him like the family you never had! You love him more than momma! He needs to know, Kia! He needs to understand! Once again, I try to open my mouth and something ends up happening. Optimus's radio rang an alarming sound of a strange signal. I put my hands to my ears as the signal shrilled.
"Kia! Hang on!" Optimus shouted and turned off the signal.
He suddenly hit his brakes, pulled a one-eighty in the road and sped down the opposite direction.
"What's going on?! What is it?!" I shouted back, my heart hammered at the shock of sudden noises and movement.
"Bumblebee sent a distress signal! This happened sooner than we thought! Sam's in trouble!
"What?! How?!" I screamed.
He didn't answer.


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