Chapter 23.

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After everything and everyone calmed down, including myself, I spent the next hour sitting a few feet away from the fire, against a spare pillar of the stone building, with Sam and Mikaela and explained everything.
I cleaned off my knife with a spare cloth while Mikaela attended to Sam's cut on his neck. It wasn't deep so it won't scar and if anything it's already stopped bleeding so he will be fine. All in all, I began to explain the entire process in horrific details and in chronological order. It definitely made this situation awkward and hard to choke out. I felt scared, weak, vulnerable, and nauseous about it all, but Optimus and the others would've have encouraged this.
All in all, Sam and Mikaela listened patiently and willingly.
I knew I scared them, their body language would shift and shake often as I mentioned what my mother did to me and how I fought back. Sam's face turned a shade paler every time, but I could tell he was forcing to stomach this information. It went from talking about my home life with my mother to eventually how I met the Autobots and stayed with the military to form Project K1-A. It felt strange to talk about, granted it's all one big secret, but at the same time it felt like it helped. Though, it was not by much.
I could hear Bumblebee making quiet noises standing behind me, whirring and groaning, reacting to details of my backstory. He too, was just learning everything more specifically and I knew he felt angry about it all. I started shaking and paused to take a break and breathe. I threw away the bloodstained cloth into the fire and examined my knife to calm myself down. I suddenly felt that Bumblebee had poked my back gently and I faced him, placing a palm against the side of his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch.

"Kia?" Sam asked, his voice choked a bit.
"Hm?" I hummed absentmindedly, paying attention to Bee.
"I'm sorry. I misjudged you completely." He said in a soft voice.
"How so?" I asked, facing him and raising an eyebrow.
I've never been told anything like that before. I knew people judged me and I'm pretty sure the bots have their opinions of me from time to time, but I've never been admitted to that someone was wrong about me. I grew suspicious at Sam's possible new motive of approach.
He's saying he's wrong? What's his game? He obviously wants something from me. Right? Do I even need to be wary of him? Wary of this dumb human? I squinted at him as he began to speak.
"Well, for one, you're not a bad kid." He ruffled the back of his hair awkwardly. "At least, I don't think so. My only thought is that people only have seen the bad things you go through and the things you do out of spite, and that's why they're afraid and cautious of you. It's why you push people away."

"You're wrong."

"What?" His eyes flashed up in confusion.

"You're wrong. I am bad. It's why I'm with them. Not because I'm capable of being an Autobot, to be good, or part of a family. No. It's so the humans can keep an eye on me and control me. You're only right that they are scared of me, Sam, and they train me so that I can change into a fighting machine for their own benefits. But, they'll never trust me to change."
"Everyone's right. I'm a psycho. At times, however rare, I don't feel exactly how I'm seen, especially with everything happening all at once. I'm lost, demented, angry, scared, upset, and inhuman."
I sighed as I acknowledge this for the first time about myself.
I almost felt sick at myself, but what good would that do about anything? I've been like this for as long as I can remember, there's no change anytime soon. Let alone, if I want to.
Is what Optimus meant by knowing myself? Do I know that I want to change? Do I even want to change? Is it even possible?
Sam propped himself up from Mikaela and his shoes shuffled across the stone ground, as he walked over towards me. I cower and shiver into the pillar, eyeing Sam's every move. He stopped at the ledge of the open room and sat a few feet away, giving me space. My body tensed, but I remained calm, yet wary.

"I don't think you're inhuman, Kia." He said kindly.

Is he delusional? I better make him understand.

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